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*few months later*


We are getting Kyle today and Newt is getting his stitches out. He was nervous about it but I told him it was going to be fine and he can trust me.

We walked into the hospital and they put him in the room. I walked in and grabbed his hand. They took the stitches out and we went into another room.

We saw Kyle. He was a normal sized baby. I smiled and we walked over. Newt picked him up and put his arms around him. Kyle started crying.

"Shh. Shh" he said.


I started rubbing his back. He calmed down and I gave him to Corbyn. He rubbed his back. We walked to the car and put him in the car seat in the back. We got in the car.

*time skip*

We got home and went inside with Kyle in my arms. We walked upstairs and put him in the crib in our room.

We went downstairs and sat on the couch. "Hope he gets some rest" Corbyn said. "Yep. Wanna have people come over in a month to see him?" I asked.

"Why not tomorrow?" "Because. He needs to get used to this place" I said. "Oh yeah. I need to go change him. I'll be back" he kissed my cheek and went upstairs.

*time skip*

He came down. "Hes asleep" he said and sat next to me. I smiled and pecked his lips. We continued watching the show.

*time skip*

I was making dinner and Corbyn was feeding Kyle his baby food. He soon finished and walked over and we kissed. We heard a little laugh come from Kyle.

I smiled at him and I continued making dinner. I was making chicken and Corbyn washed his hands and then made the salads.

I finished making the chicken and put the chicken on the plate and cut it up. We were making chicken salads.

I finished cutting them and he came over with the salads. I put some chicken in the bowls and he put the dressing and he mixed it.

We went to the island and put them on it and ate them.

*time skip*

I was playing with Kyle upstairs in our room. We were on the floor and he was laying on his baby blanket.

I pulled my hands away and then started tickling him again. I heard the door open so I knew Corbyn was watching. Kyle started laughing again.

"I knew you would be a great mother" he said. I smiled at him and continued tickling Kyle.

Corbyn walked over and looked at me. "I have to go to the store. I'll be back" he said and kissed my head. He went downstairs and left the house.

*time skip*

I was downstairs with Kyle in my arms. I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it to see Joselyn..

"Awww. Hes so cute" Joselyn said. "What do you need?" I asked. Molly ran over and I put my leg in front of her so she wouldnt run out.

"Um... I just wanted to see how you were doing" Joselyn said. "I'm doing fine. Come inside" I said. She came in and I shut the door.

She sat on the bench table and Molly ran to her. She started petting Molly. "So.... hows your baby?" She asked. "Hes doing good" "what'd you name him?" She asked.

"Kyle" "cute" she said. She smiled a little. Kyle started crying. "Shh. Shh" I said and started rubbing his back. "Shh" I said. He soon stopped crying.

I took him upstairs and put him in his crib. "Gotta take a nap bud" I said. He started giggling. "Buddy. You got to go to sleep. Daddys expecting for you to be asleep once he gets home" I said.

I grabbed his blanket and put it over him. I gave him his giraffe. "Now go to sleep" I said. He stopped giggling and I walked to the door. I turned the lights off and he started crying. I turned them on and walked over. I sat next to the crib and started rocking it back and forth.

He soon fell asleep and I got up. I walked to the door and turned the lights off. I closed the door quietly and walked downstairs. "I'm gonna go" she said. "Ok" she left and I gave Molly her dinner.

*time skip*

Molly was laying down with her head on my lap and she was sleeping. The door opened and Molly got up. She ran to Corbyn and he closed the door.

I walked over and pecked his lips. I grabbed some of the bags and we went to the kitchen. We put the stuff away.

"Is he asleep?" "Yep" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips. "Did you feed Molly yet?" "Already did" I said. "I love you" he said. "I love you too doggy" I said. He smiled and we kissed.

*time skip*

I was feeding Kyle and Corbyn was making steaks outside.

*time skip*

I rubbed his head when I finished feeding him. Corbyn walked in with the steaks and put them on the plates. I washed my hands and looked at Corbyn.

He pecked my lips and Kyle giggled. "I'll take him upstairs" he said. "Ok. I'll get the stuff together" I said. He walked to Kyle and picked him up. He went upstairs and I got the stuff together.

I put the plates on the island and put the steaks on them. He came out and pecked my lips. We sat down and started eating. Then Kyle started crying.

I got up and ran upstairs. I picked him up and rubbed his back. He continued crying. "Shh. Shh" I said.

"Shh. It's ok" I rubbed his back and he soon got quiet. I looked at him and saw that he was asleep. I smiled and put him in his crib and put his blanket over him.

I turned the light off and shut the door and went downstairs.


He sat next to me and I put a hand on his. He smiled a little and looked down. "What would my life be without you?" I asked. He smiled and put his fork down. He leaned in and we kissed.

We pulled away slowly. "I love you" I said. "I love you too doggy" he pecked my lips and we continued eating.

*time skip*

It was late at night and we were upstairs. We got ready and laid down. I put my arms around his waist and kissed his forehead.

"Night doggy" he said. "Night puppy" I said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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