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*few months later*


We were going on tour tonight. I'm nervous because I have to sing that song for Newt. We walked onto the platforms and sang our song.

*time skip*

We finished Mad At You and then Daniel came over. "Its my birthday" he said. "You remember your birthday?" I asked. "Mhm" Randy came out with cake.

We walked out and everyone was still here. "Its Daniel's birthday today" I said. "And we all know what happens when its someones birthday" me and Zach shoved the cake in his face.

They all laughed. Daniel licked some frosting off of his mouth. "Thanks guys" he said in a sarcastic tone.

We brought the cake back and went back out. I put my arms around Daniel and we almost fell. We laughed and I let him go. He put some frosting on his finger and put it on my face.

I laughed and looked at Newt. He looked jealous. I walked over and knelt down in front of him. Thomas was jealous too.

"Guys. It's nothing. It's just a friendly thing" I said. "Corbyn!" A girl said. I smiled a little and put a hand on Newts cheek. "It was just a friendly thing Newt" he smiled. "What?" I asked.

"You still have frosting on your face" Thomas said. I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling.

I got up and kissed Newts forehead. "I'll see you later" I said and ran to the back.

*time skip*

Newt came back and I hugged him. He put his hands on my chest and sighed. I kissed his head.

*time skip*

Newt was on my lap and I was talking to him. "Corbyn! You have meet and greets!" Randy yelled. "I'll be back" I said. Newt got up. I kissed his cheek and walked into the room.

I saw Newt watching us as the girls came in. I saw Ella. She hugged all of them and came to me. I picked her up and hugged her. I kissed her cheek. We took a picture.

"How are you doing today?" I asked. "Good" she said. "Did you like the concert?" "Mhm" I kissed her cheek again. "Have a good day Ella" I put her down. "Bye Cowby" she ran to her mother. I saw Newt smiling at me.

*time skip*

We finished the meet & greets and I was with Newt in the back. He was on my lap. "It was adorable when you were with that little girl" he said. "I know. I met her the last time we did a concert here"

"Awww" "shes adorable" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips. "Let's go home" I said. "Ok" we went outside and I saw fans. They saw me and screamed.

They ran towards us. "Go. Go" I said and we ran to the car. We got in and I locked the doors. "Go Gally!" I yelled. He drove off.

*time skip*

We got home and we went inside. I picked him up and brought him to the couch. I put him down and laid on top of him. "I love you" he said. "I love you too darling" I said.

"I love you more" "impossible" "nope" I laughed a little. I kissed his forehead. I put my forehead on his. "Baby-" I cut him off by kissing him.

He kissed back and we pulled away after a few moments. I smiled a little and he smiled back. I heard a knock on the door.

I got confused. I looked at Newt and he looked confused as well. I got up and walked to the door.

I looked at Newt once I got to the door. I looked back at the door and grabbed the doorknob. I turned it and opened it a little. I saw Thomas and Daniel. "Oh hey guys" I opened the door fully.

"Hey Corbyn" Thomas said. "Why are you guys here?" I asked. "Well um... we were just wondering if we all could come over for a party because its uh. Its Daniel's birthday" Thomas explained.

"Oh yeah" I said. "Yeah you guys can come over for a party" I added. "Thanks Corbyn" Daniel said. They walked away and I shut the door.

Then my forehead was in pain. I held it and fell to the floor. Newt ran over and held me close. "What's wrong?" He asked. I got a memory.

I was in the hospital as a baby and my mom was holding me. I was just born. I then saw the date. November 25th

I sat up and looked at Newt. "What?" He asked. "I remember my birthday" I said. "You do?" He asked. "Mhm. November 25th" I said. He smiled a little.

He pecked my lips and we got up. We went to the couch and I laid down first. My back was on the couch and he laid on top of me. He laid his head on my chest.

We continued watching Legacies.

*time skip*

Everyone was here and we were celebrating. Newt grabbed a party hat and put it on me. My ears moved so the party hat could fit. He smiled and cuddled up to me.

"Your turn" I grabbed on and put it on his head. He looked adorable with his ears down a little so the hat could fit. We laughed and continued celebrating.

It was time to sing happy birthday to Daniel. Me, Jack, Zach and Jonah sang happy birthday to him and he took a bite of the piece of cake he had. We started eating the cake.

*time skip*

I was laying on the couch with my head on Newts lap. Everyone was laying on the floor. I looked at Newt and he smiled a little.

*time skip*

We finished cleaning. Everyone left already. Me and Newt were upstairs, laying on the floor. I had my arms around him and I kissed his forehead.

"Night love" I said. "Night babe" he cuddled up to me and put his head in my chest. I laid my head on the pillow and close my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

It's my birthday y'all. I'm officially 13 years old. 😊

Also... Corbyns planning a surprise for Newt in the next chapter.

What do you guys think it'll be?

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