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*few weeks later*


I was sitting on the rock and yes I am in my human form right now. "Yo guys. I have a guitar" Frypan said. I got up and walked to him. "Its been years since I've seen one of these" I said. "Wait what?" Newt asked. They were all confused. "I sing" I said. "Woah. Can we hear you play one day?" Frypan asked. "Yeah. Dont know how good my voice is anymore" I said.

I grabbed the guitar and looked at it. "Its yours now" Frypan said. I smiled at him. "Thanks Fry" I said. I went into the cabin and started playing it a little. I heard a knock on the wall. I looked and saw Newt. I put it down. "Hey" I said getting up. We kissed and pulled away after a few seconds. "That sounded nice" he said. "Thanks" I said. "Can you play for me one day?" He asked. "Of course" I said and kissed his forehead.

"Guys! Hide!" I heard Thomas yell. We ran out and saw everyone running to hide. I looked at Newt. "Hide. I'm gonna go figure out what it is" I said. "Ok" he went into the cabin and I went into the woods. I saw 4 wolves. One was a dark brown with blue eyes. The second one was a light brown with brown eyes. The third one had brown fur and green eyes. The last one had light light brown fur and brown eyes. I recognized them.

They walked to me and licked me. "Hey" I said sitting on the ground. "Want to come with us?" I asked. They started panting and wagging their tails. "I'm guessing that's a yes" I said. I got up and they followed me. We went into the cabin. "Newt. Come on out" I said. He came out from under the bed. We walked out. "Why are they here? They are going to hurt us" he said.

"I know them" I said grabbing clothes. "What? How?" He asked. "They were my friends. I got memories of them when we were leaving the place" I said. "W-" "just trust them ok" I said looking at him. "Ok" I pecked his lips and went into the cabin. I threw a bag with 4 pairs of clothes in it.

I closed the door and walked to Newt. They came out and I saw my old friends. Daniel, Jack, Zach and Jonah. They saw me and smiled. I smiled back and ran to them. We hugged. We looked at each other. "What happened to your face?" Daniel asked. I still had the scar on my face. "WICKED" I said.

I turned around. "Guys! It's fine! Come on out!" I yelled. They all came out slowly.

"Who the hell are they!?" Thomas yelled.

"They are my friends! We were friends until I forgot about them when I went into that box!" I yelled. "Box?" Jonah asked. I looked at them. "I was sent up into the Glade which is an area with walls surrounding it. Behind the walls was a maze. It had something called a Griever in it. And they were scary" I said.

"I ran into the maze and I um..... became a runner which is a person who is able to run around the maze" I said. Newt ran over and got on my back. He kissed my cheek. "Who's this?" Zach asked.

"My boyfriend. Newt" I said. He waved a little. Newt got off of me. "Corbyn! Do they want food?!" Frypan yelled. "Do you?" I asked. "Please" they begged. "Come with me" I said.

Newt followed us. Frypan gave them food. They ate the food. "Hey Corbyn" Thomas came over. "Where are they going to sleep?" He asked. "Um...." I looked at them. "We can make an extra cabin today and they can sleep in that" Newt said.

"Ok. Thomas. Go get Vince and Minho" I said. He ran away. He soon came over with Vince and Minho. "Alright. Let's go" Minho said and we ran into the woods.

We started getting supplies and we went back. We started making a cabin. They came over and smiled at me. They helped us make the cabin. "So uh. What are your names?" Minho asked. "Daniel" "Zach" "Jack" "Jonah" they said. "Hm. We need to add your names to the rock" Thomas said. "Yep" I said.

We have 2 separate big rocks. One for the people that are here. And one for the people who are dead and didnt make it this far. We finished the cabin and I took the boys to the rock. "Alright. We need a knife" I said. "Yo Frypan! Can you bring 4 knives over?!" I yelled. He came over with 4 knives. He gave one to each of them. "Thanks Fry" I said. He walked back to the grill.

They started carving their names into the rock. Newt came over and I kissed his cheek. "So uh... what now?" Jonah asked. "Well everyday I howl. Theres a whole pack of wolves over in that land" I said pointing to the land.

"Oh. Wanna do it?" Jack asked. "Sure. Come on" I said. We ran to the edge of the beach and turned into our wolves. I got on the rock. We howled and they howled back.

*time skip*

Me and Daniel were still wolves. We were playing. He was on top of me and was trying to bite me. I pushed him off and got up. Newt ran over and held me close. Daniel whined. I licked Newts face. "Why dont you guys go turn into humans" Newt said.

We went into the cabin and turned human. We got ready. "So why did you whine?" I asked. "Because. All the guys are taken. I'm the only one in the group that's single" he said. "I'll be right back" I said and went to Thomas. "Hey Thomas. Daniel wants to see you" I said. "Ok" he went into the cabin.

I walked to Newt, Zach and Jack. Jonah was talking to Aris, Harriet and Sonya. I sat next to Newt. "So uh... Corbyn. How long have you and Newt been dating for?" Jack asked. "Ever since. I was in the Glade. Which was like.... a year ago" I said. "Yeah" he said.

"Wow. Ok. Um. What was it like in the Glade?" Zach asked. "Horrible. There was drama. Damage to it. Lives taken" I said. "I miss Alby" Newt said. I rubbed his back. "Its ok" "he didnt deserve it. He died saving our lives" Newt said. "And Chuck. He was a little boy and he.... he died because of Gally" I said. I grabbed the figurine Chuck made for me. "He made me this" I said.

"Awww it's so cute" Zach said. We continued talking and then Daniel walked over while smiling. He sat next to Jack and looked down. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing" he said. "Dani. What did Tommy do?" I asked. "He uh....." he couldn't stop smiling. "Kissed me" he said. My eyes widened.

"He what?" I asked. "He kissed me" he said smiling. I saw Thomas smiling too. I walked to him. "Tommy" I said sitting in a stool in front of him. "Yeah?" He asked looking up at me. "I meant you could talk to him. Not kiss him" I said. "What? I didnt kiss him" he said and then smiled.

"Sureeeeee" I said. "Fine I did" he said looking down and continued shaving his wood. "Daniel!" Thomas yelled. Daniel came over. "You werent supposed to tell him" he said. "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop smiling. And he kept asking me what you did" he said. "Alright. You two can go make out in the cabin" I said and went to Newt.

*time skip*


It was late at night and I was in the cabin alone. Then the door opened and I saw red eyes. I sat up scared. The door shut and the red eyes got closer. I backed up to the wall. Then I saw Corbyn come into the moonlight.

"You scared me" I said and got up. I kissed him and he kissed back. He smiled in the kiss and we pulled away slowly. His eyes were normal. He smirked and kissed me and pinned me to the wall.

I was confused until I knew exactly what he was doing. 'Oh god. Am I ready for this?' I thought. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "We dont have to do this if you dont want to" he said. I kissed him and he kissed back.

*time skip*

We uh... made out. We were sitting on the bed and I was blushing like crazy. I hid my face from Corbyn. Corbyn turned my head and pecked my lips. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah" he said. "Do you regret it?" He asked putting his hands on my cheeks. "Nope" I said and pecked his lips.

He smiled and kissed me and we laid down while kissing. He laid on top of me and put his head on my chest. I rubbed his back slowly.

He soon fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and kissed his head. I put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now