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*few hours later*


I was sitting on a rock near a food place. Frypan gave me a plate of meat. I ate it and it was really good. After a took my first bite and I put it down. I looked right back at it with a shocked look. Frypan laughed. "Its really good Fry" I said and took one more bite.

I finished my food after about 20 minutes and gave the plate to Frypan. I walked to the shore and looked at the boat. "Hey Corbyn!" I heard Thomas. I looked at him. "I heard theres wolves over there. Wanna turn into one and howl?" He asked. I smiled and was about to turn when I heard a voice I was hoping to hear.

"Wait. I want a kiss" I heard Newt. I looked and saw him. He looked fine. I ran over and kissed him. He kissed back and we pulled away after a few seconds. "I told you I would get you out of there" I said. He smiled and cuddled up to me. "How you feeling?" I asked. "Great now that I'm with you" he said.

"Awww" Thomas said. I kissed Newts head and lifted his head and pecked his lips. "I'll go" Thomas said walking away. We laughed. "Alright. Now go ahead. Howl. I wanna hear it" he said. I smiled and turned into my wolf. I walked to the rock and jumped onto it.

I turned and saw a bunch of people staring at me. They were smiling. I looked at the land far from here. I howled for a few seconds and then stopped. I heard a howl from the land. I howled along with them.

We stopped and I yawned. They howled and I howled back. *time skip* I was a wolf still and I was sitting with Newt near Frypan. He gave him a plate of food. I panted and looked at him. "Here" Frypan said and gave me a piece of chicken that is wrapped around with bacon and it was on a stick.

He put it on a plate and put it in front of me. I put a paw on the stick and started biting it. "Awww" Newt said. I licked my lips and started shaking my head. I continued eating it and it took me about 10 to 15 minutes to finish it. I licked my lips and Frypan took it away. I laid in front of Newt.

He stuck his hand down in front of my face. "Theres sauce on it. Want it?" He asked. I started licking his hand. I heard him laugh a little. I looked up at him and started licking his face. "Mmm. Nice" he said as I continued to lick his face. "Alright. I need to finish my food" he said.

I stopped and he continued to eat his food. I looked at the water and got up. "Wanna go swimming?" He asked. I looked at him and started panting. "Ok. Go ahead" he said. I ran to the rock and jumped off of it. I landed into the water and went further into it. I saw Thomas, Minho and Vince staring at me with a smile.

*time skip*

Newt was over here and he was sitting on the rock. I got out of the water. I walked to Thomas, Minho and Vince. I started shaking to get the water off of me. "Hey" Vince said covering his face. I stopped and yawned. I walked to Newt and he started petting me.

He knelt down in front of me. I panted and looked at him. "You're so cute" he said. I licked his face.


'Wow. Never knew he would be this cute as a wolf' I thought. He started licking me and it was nice but I just.... dont really enjoy it as much as I used to. He stopped and I put my arms around him and pulled him closer.

He looked at me and yawned. I started petting him and he barked. "Awww" I said. He licked my lips once and then stopped. He started panting. I let him go and he got on the rock. I smiled at him. He sat down and looked at the boat.

*time skip*

We were laying in bed. Corbyn was still a wolf and he was laying with me. I soon woke up to the sound of howling. Corbyn wasnt here. I got up and walked out. I saw him howling on the rock.

It was a full moon. 'Shit' I thought. I hid behind a cabin and looked at him. He looked in my way and his eyes were different. They're red. He saw me and growled. I looked away and looked at the woods. I heard his little footsteps coming towards me. I moved quietly but quickly so he wouldnt find me. I got to the other side of the cabin.

'What do I do?' I thought. I walked to the door and walked in. I heard his footsteps. I got ready and laid down. I closed my eyes when I heard him walk in. 'Shit' I thought. He walked to me and licked my back. It tickled.


Hes probably awake and I scared as hell right now. I continued to lick his back. I got on the bed and saw him sleeping. I licked his arm and I felt him move a little.

His eyes were opened. He got scared and looked away. I licked his hair and he pushed me a little. I licked his hand and he looked at me. I got off of the bed and turned human. I laid down next to him.

"Your eyes" he whispered. I got confused. "Their red" he said. My eyes widened. I sat up and looked around. "Is that a bad thing?" He asked. I looked at him. He sat up and kissed my cheek. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm an alpha" I said. His eyes widened. "If you wanted to be an alpha. You have to be bitten by the alpha. And I wasnt bit by an alpha at all" I said. "What does that mean?" He asked. "It means. I'm a true alpha" I said. His eyes widened. "It means I'm the strongest alpha there is. Any true alpha is stronger than a regular alpha" I said.

He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and we pulled away after a few seconds. We laid down and he played with my ears. I smiled and he moved his hand down to my cheek. I smiled a little and closed my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

A Wolf In The Glade? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now