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*5 weeks later*


I was with Molly and Corbyn was at Wendy's getting us food. I have been getting sick for weeks now. I dont know why.

"Molly. Wanna go for a walk?" I asked. She started wagging her tail. We walked to the door and I put her leash on. We started walking down the street. I then felt sick.

We ran to Daniel and Thomas's place. I knocked on the door. Thomas opened the door. "Something wrong" Molly went inside. "Um..." "are you ok?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"I feel sick" I said. "Go upstairs. I'll get Daniel" I ran upstairs and ran into the bathroom. I got sick in the toilet. Daniel ran in and rubbed my back. "This has been happening for weeks now. I dont know why" I said.

"I think I know what it is" Daniel said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm taking you to the hospital" he said. "What? Why?" I asked. "I cant tell you. We have to go"

We got up and he flushed the toilet. We went to the car and Thomas drove us to the hospital.

*time skip*

We were in the room and I was laying on a bed. The doctor lifted my shirt a little and put some cream on my stomach. I was confused.

He scanned it and smiled. "Yep. Newt. You're pregnant" my eyes widened. "W-what?" I asked. "You're pregnant" he said and took the scanner away. Thomas and Daniel were outside of the room waiting for me to tell them something.

He wiped the cream off. I put my shirt down and walked out. The doctor walked away. They stood up and walked to me. "So?" He asked.

"Its true. I'm pregnant" I said. They smiled and they hugged me. "That's amazing" Daniel said. "I-I dont know if it is" I said. We pulled away. "I'll explain it in the car" I said.

We walked to the car and got in. I sat in the front with Thomas. Daniel sat behind us.

"So... why is it not a good thing?" Thomas asked. "When me and Corbyn had sexual contact. And the morning after we did it. He said he wished he didnt get me pregnant" I said. "What?!" They yelled.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I'm scared that I'll lose him" I said. "Well just tell him and if he loves it. Then he loves it. But if hes not happy about it. Come over to our place" Daniel said.

"Ok" I said. I calmed down and we left.

*time skip*

I walked into the house and saw Corbyn petting Molly. I smiled and shut the door and locked it. "Hey love" he said getting up. He walked to me and pecked my lips.

I smiled and we walked to the couch. We sat down and he put his arm around my shoulders. 'I hope it'll be fine' I thought.

"Something wrong?" He asked. "I'm fine" I said. He pecked my lips. We watched The Arrow. I got nervous. I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it and turned around.

Did you tell him?

No I'm too nervous to

Itll be fine

I'll do it soon

I got nervous and turned my phone off. I put my phone on the couch and turned around so I was facing the TV.

"Something wrong love?" He asked. "No" I said. "You sure?" He asked. I sighed. "I'm fine" I lied. 'I'm so scared' I thought.

I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a water and turned around. I saw Corbyn in front of me. "Tell me what is wrong" he said.

I sighed. "I went to the hospital today" I said. "Ok" "I wanted to figure out why I was getting sick" I said. "And?" "Um I found out why I was" "and what was it?"

"I-I.... I'm p-pregnant" I said and scratched my arm. He didnt say anything for minutes. I ran upstairs. "Baby!" He yelled. I ran into our room and closed the door.

'He's not happy that I'm pregnant' I thought. I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling. The door opened and I saw Corbyn. "Love. I'm sorry I didnt answer" "are you mad?" I asked.

"No. I'm happy that you're pregnant. I've always wanted a kid. I just..... was shocked" he explained. I got up and walked to him. We hugged.

"Baby" he said. "Yeah?" I asked looking up at him. "How long have you been pregnant for?" "I think 4 or 5 weeks. Why?" I asked. "I can feel your little bump" he said. I smiled and looked down.

He put a hand on my stomach and we sat on the bed. I looked at him and smiled. He kissed my temple. "Its crazy to think how far we've come" I said.

He smiled and pecked my lips. He rubbed my stomach and looked at it. "I need you to lay down" he said. I got confused. "Its fine" I laid down and he lifted my shirt a little. He kissed my stomach and I smiled.

"You're going to be a great father" I said. He smiled and looked at me. "You'll be a great mother" he said. I smiled and he put my shirt down. We kissed once I sat up fully.

"We have to tell everyone" he said. "Ok" I said. We are having everyone come to our place tomorrow.

We got ready and laid down. He put a hand on my stomach and I smiled. He kissed my forehead. "Night love" he said. "Night doggy" I said.

I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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