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*2 months later*


Newt is now 6 months pregnant. He hasn't had any problems. He hasn't been getting sick. Nothing. The baby has started kicking.

We're nervous because the baby shouldnt be kicking 6 months into the pregnancy.

We were sitting on the couch when Newt held his stomach. "Babe. What's wrong?" "He wont stop kicking" he said.

"And it's starting to hurt" "sit back" I said. He leaned back and I looked at his stomach. I put a hand on his stomach and rubbed it. He continued kicking.

"Hey. You're starting to hurt mommy" I said. "He wont stop baby" I continued rubbing his stomach. I lifted his shirt a little and kissed his stomach.

"You're hurting mom" I said. "Ok. He stopped" I smiled and put his shirt down. He cuddled up to me. "What happens if he comes early?" I asked.

"I dont know. He'll be tiny" I said. He sighed and we continued watching IT. He didnt watch the rest of the chapter 3 and now theres another movie.

*3 weeks later*


I was sitting on the couch and Corbyn was making dinner. Then I felt pain in my stomach. Tears formed into my eyes. 'Holy crap this hurts so bad' I thought.

I looked at the door so Corbyn couldnt see my tears. I got up and walked over. Then I got soaking wet. 'Shit' "babe" "yes love?"

He looked at me. "I think my water just broke" I said. He dropped everything and turned the stove off. We ran into the car and we drove to the hospital.

*time skip*

I was in the room and I was passed out. They made me pass out so I couldnt see anything or feel anything while they were doing the c-section.

Then I woke up from someone shaking me. I saw Corbyn. "Hey. It's done. You're all stitched up and the babies out" he said. I smiled.

One of the doctors came over with him. He gave the baby to me. He was small. I rubbed his head. He cried. "Shh" I said. "We have to keep him in here until he grows bigger" the doctor said.

Corbyn rubbed his head with two fingers and he calmed down. "What do you want to name him?" Corbyn asked.

"Kyle?" I asked. "Perfect" he said. I smiled and looked at Kyle. He was sleeping. The doctor took him and put him in a container thing. They took him out of the room.

They gave me my clothes and Corbyn left the room. I put my clothes on and walked out. I saw Corbyn sitting down. I walked over and he got up. A doctor came over.

"Can we take a picture of him?" Corbyn asked. "Of course. Come with me" she said. We followed her and we walked into a room. We found him and we walked to him.

We took a picture of him and the lady opened the lid. There were holes in the top so he could breath. Corbyn took another picture of me rubbing his stomach with my 2 fingers.

I pulled my hand away and she put the lid back over him. We smiled a little and walked to the car. We sat down and we went home.

*time skip*

Everyone was here. "Wait. So you're telling me that you gave birth to him and you were only 6 months pregnant?" Brenda asked

"Yeah" "can we see him?" Sonya asked. Corbyn grabbed his phone and got the picture of me rubbing his stomach with my two fingers on his phone. He handed it to Gally first. "Awww" Minho, Frypan and Gally said.

They sent it down. "Aww hes adorable" Sonya said and gave it to me. I smiled at the picture and gave Corbyns phone back to him.

"He has to stay there until he's the right size" Corbyn explained. "What did you name him?" Vince asked. "Kyle" I said. "Awwww" they said.

"Now I want a girl" Corbyn said. "Sorry but it's not happening. Ones enough" I said. "No it's not" he said.

"I think it is" I said. "Nope. We're having another kid" he said. I blushed and looked at my lap. I put my head in my hands. "Awww" they said.

"Shut up!" I yelled. They laughed. We started talking to everyone.

*time skip*

It was late at night and everyone left. Me and Corbyn were upstairs in our room and Molly was downstairs, sleeping on her dog bed.

We were laying in bed and Corbyn had his arms around me. I was cuddled up to him. "Man it's nice to not have a big stomach" I said. He chuckled.

He kissed my head. "Night love" "night doggy" I said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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