Chapter One

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First year was obviously one of the toughest, I hadn't many friends so it was obviously quite nerve racking. I got into this school because of my mother, she attended when she was young and would constantly be talking about how Hufflepuff done her well believing I would also be sorted into her house. As did I, I went my whole childhood prepared to head into Hufflepuff from the second she told me about Hogwarts.

That was until my name got called out by Professor McGonagall, "Y/n Ceradwin please come up to the sorting hat" I sat in silence not wanting to get much attention from my class mates but the sorting hat thought otherwise.

"Yes Yes, I see a lot of your mother in you, dedicated, and very hard working but hm, No I do believe there's something different about you that outshines your mothers traits and I really do think you'd work well in SLYTHERIN"

I felt my heart starting to pound and all I could think off was how disappointed my mother was going to be, having a Slytherin in a family of Hufflepuffs is unheard of and would be looked down upon immensely. I knew my family didn't get on with the people who attended Slytherin house, I mean they didn't really have a good track record in the first place but every encounter I've heard my family has had with them has always been a negative one. I felt like I was letting down not just my mother but my entire family.

I looked over to Slytherins table and my eyes met with this one blonde boy, he had a smug look on his face so I knew to avoid him when I was to sit with my house. As I stood up I felt dizzy and overwhelmed but managed to make my way down the stairs pushing my way through the crowd's of clapping students, I took a seat at the end and gave everyone a fake smile.

Before I knew it my eyes began to go fuzzy which was when I put my head on the table to stop myself from falling backwards onto the cobbled floor. I must have passed out because next minute I woke up in the hospital quarters the only person I woken to being Genevieve.

Genevieve was my best friend since I moved into a small house in a nearby village that housed wizards and witches with just my mother and I, she was my neighbour and with my mother being very close friends with her mother I quickly became close with her.

How can I describe her, well she's beautiful has a dark complexion with long dark frizzy hair, freckles splattered against her perfectly symmetrical face and a very petite figure only being 5'2. Ever since I was young I was always secretly jealous of her, she would be the attractive friend and would constantly get all the compliments, but that's not even the worst part, she's one of the nicest people you'll meet.

She gave me a smile and I instantly felt calmer already, I asked her what happened and she explained to me the whole story up until I fainted, she said one of the professors noticed that I wasn't responding since my head was on the table. Her and another professor helped me up and managed to take me down the hospital quarters. She bared me the embarrassment of telling me that the entirety of my table was in hysterics of laughter but I was informed that later on by one of my dorm mates, I wanted the earth to suck me up then and there but she insisted that I'd be fine.

She got into Hufflepuff which wasn't a surprise to me as she has all the traits a Huffelpuff is meant to have, which confused me as I thought I did to. I mean me, Slytherin, I couldn't possibly understand what the sorting hat thinking, I'm the least most likely person to be sorted into house of stuck up pureblood's but non the less I was happy for her.

Being in Slytherin hasn't been easy so far, yet I kept my head down and tried my best not to cause any unnecessary hassle, if there was something ever to happen I'd be there, but I'd make sure I go unnoticed so I wouldn't have to get involved. Being the centre of attention is my worst fear. I knew who to stay away from and kept to myself although because of this, it meant I didn't really have any friends apart from Gen.

I was a good student, not wanting to be known as anything more than that of 'a good student'. Some times my professors would forget my name, or not even know of it, this was the same for my classmates but I didn't really care since it was my intention anyway. Of course I'd get the odd comment of 'You need to be more involved', In which I'd nod and agree giving them false hope but in my head I always knew that was never going to happen.

All in all my time in Hogwarts has been uneventful, apart from being in the same year as Harry Potter, now that's something to brag about. Probably the only exciting thing that's happened was that I was in his dark arts class and witnessed him speak Parseltongoue. Which at the time was more scary than exciting, I didn't really speak to Harry much. We greeted each other in the hallways every so often but I've never bothered to actually talk to him, I mean I find it difficult to raise my hand in class never mind trying to make conversation with the Harry Potter.

Other than that, I stayed under the radar. That was until this morning.

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