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"k-kokichi stop!" shuichi continued to shout at the shorter as his foot fumbled with the door.

the door locked from the outside, meaning if it closed, they would need to wait until someone opened it.

and the room being a janitor closet, that wouldn't happen for a while.

"nee-hee-hee~ you really think i'd close the door on us?" the boy continued to mess with the door stop.

before he could stop himself, his foot slipped on the slippery floor near the 'caution wet' sign and slammed the door shut.

now all there was to light up the room was the dim light at the top of the closet.

"o-oh god..i'm gonna miss third period! kokichi, this i-is all you-" saihara panicked to himself thinking about how mad the teachers would be until he glanced at ouma.

despite there only being a small amount of light in the room, you could see the tears streaming down the purple haired boys face as he curled into a ball in the corner of the closet, leaning on the door.

"y-y-you know i-i didnt mean i-it..s-sh-it.." kokichi whispered and the bluenettes gaze softened.

he never really spoke to kokichi before, as they only had one or two classes together. But during that time he was able to find only a little about him.

now as he started down at the panicking gremlin, he decided to try and calm him down.

"claustrophobic huh..?" saihara never really comforted anyone before, so his efforts were probably not going to help as much as he intends.

"y-yeah.." thats all the smaller could murmur out before burying his head in his arms and legs.

"wanna talk about it..?" shuichi softened his tone as to not scare kokichi while grabbing the smaller and putting him in his lap.

"i-i..." he seemed uncomfortable to answer.

"it's okay. if you don't wanna tell me we can talk about something else!" saihara told him, running his fingers through oumas purple locks.

the affection seemed to calm him down more and shook his head.

"n-no, i'll tell you." kokichi's raspy voice from crying answered and shuichi waited for him to continue.

"i-it started at home, my dad would t-throw alcohol bottles in my face and l-lock me in the closet for h-h-hours..and-" he tried to keep explaining but burst into tears   while nuzzling into the tallers neck.

"it's ok, i'll make sure they n-never hurt you again." he couldn't really promise too much. even though is uncle was a police officer they weren't around often making it very lonely around the hose.

ouma nodded and just before he completely calmed down, the only light in the room turned off signaling school is over and the janitor would be there soon.

kokichi squeaked and buried his head into shuichis chest making him blush in the dark.

another hour of calming him down and both boys had fallen asleep, locked in the closet.

2 hours later...

after the normal routine of cleaning the school floors, the janitor headed to the closet with the keys, to return the mop and bucket.

to their surprise, they found two boys cuddled together in the dark. one with a tear stained face.

the janitor smiled and laughed at the sight.

"keheehee~ how fate has blessed me..humanity truly is beautiful..." he snickered, making sure not to wake them up. leaving the closet door open, for when the sleeping couple awoke.

(A/N: Woo first chapter, this is gonna be a long story!)

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