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rich!shuichi + gold digger!kokichi ig
when you realize you're writing you're own trigger—

shuichi may be shy, timid and definitely not outgoing. but he wasn't stupid. he knew people would sometimes use him for his money, so he began to cut off relationships with the good, bad and ugly alike. which in the end left him with no one but himself.

the only small talk he could get was with the maids and bulters, but obviously even that wasn't enough. he needed actual friends. and actual relationship.

and that my friends is how he ended up on tinder, scrolling through different people and double checking their bio's till 3 am.

you could definitely tell he had trust issues by the way he looked and everything. but that didn't seem to stop 6ice9oll from messaging him that day.

6ice9oll: hey, i read your bio and i promise you can trust me. but take your time, you wanna talk?

oh god. oh fuck. he was beginning to regret doing this all together, how do you hold a conversation again? it's been far too long for shuichi to remember.

shuichi saihara: sure we can talk

6ice9oll: and change up the username shui, so boring!

shuichi saihara's name was changed to shumai

shumai: shumai?

6ice9oll: yeah, like the dumpling? they're really cute just like you~


shuichi also couldn't handle being flirted with. he never knew what to say back anyways, not after what happened the last time he tried flirting with people.

shumai: t-thank you?

6ice9oll: i didnt take you as one to stutter over text, but that's fine. what about your hobbies?

oh, finally something he could answer.

shumai: i'm actually striving to be an author! right now i'm working on two books that'll hopefully be published in a year or two. you wanna see?

6ice9oll: oh! uh— sure!

and then they spoke. for hours and hours and hours. so long shuichi didn't realize how late it had gotten already and frowned at having to end their conversation.

shumai: hey, i had a really nice time talking to someone for once, you mind staring this conversation tomorrow?

read at 12:45 am

shuichi sighed and put his phone down on his night stand. he probably fell asleep a few minutes ago, we were talking for 3 hours.

there's fight or flight alarms blaring and screaming in the back of his head. but he pretends it's ok. he pretends the other really cares.

he pretends he has a friend.

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