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an au where kokichi and shuichi have the same birthday (June 21st) cuz i've already done them separate
college au
(tw: crying + angst for no reason?? but it's hurt/comfort so theres some fluff)

"literally nobody is in here, they forgot. can we just go home and binge gordon ramsay episodes?"

"no way! don't lose hope just yet~ we haven't checked the..uhm..bathrooms!" kokichi tried to convince himself more than shuichi.

shuichi gave him an "are you serious?" face and shook his head, turning around to start up the car.

"once you're ready to accept they didn't remember, we can go home. i wish they didn't either but you shouldn't stress over this." he told him and left the college halls.

if kokichi had those perky dog ears, they would be drooping on the floor by now. he knew shuichi was right. getting excited over nothing would only hurt you more.

so slowly, he walked back the way shuichi and him came. his hand running against the gritty walls.

they didn't exchange words once all were buckled and seated in the car. on the ride to their apartment, kokichi fell asleep as his head laid on the clearly uncomfortable car window. his neck would be sore when he woke up.

wincing at the thought, shuichi brought his hand to the others cheek to move his head. but gasped a bit when kokichi leaned in towards the warm palm. taking the hint that he was touch starved, they would talk about it when they got back. and by talk he meant tease until one blacked out from a blush attack.

they didn't need anyone else to celebrate their birthday. all they needed was a two layered cake, acnh accounts, youtube and each other. asking for gifts were a bit of a stretch. but that didn't matter, the best gift they've ever gotten were each other.

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