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Danganronpa but wizards n shit, basically the guys are wizards and the girls are witches while Monokuma is already weird enough as it is. (TW?: Shuichi is a girl this time because why the fuck not)

"Please, please, please! Just one spell!" Kokichi whined and begged, pulling on Shuichi's tattered dress, causing her to shoo his hands off and continue eating.

"For the last time, no. I still don't have my necklace so I'm basically as powerless as a human." She sighed, grimacing when her spoon fell into her cereal bowl.

Not a second after, Kokichi took his wand out and lifted it back in her hand, dried and everything. "I don't understand! It's always necklace this, necklace that. What's so important about a necklace? All I need is a stick and I could turn you into a frog!"

  "And all I need is my necklace and I could turn you into an ogre." Shuichi snapped back, "The reason I can't make spells without my necklace is because it's my most valuable object to me. Like a cat to an owner or you to panta. I-I- shouldn't you have learned this in school?!" Shuichi questioned.

Kokichi shrugged, "I always skipped biology."

Not even a second passed and Kokichi snapped his fingers, "I know! How about I make you another necklace?"

The idea never came to her mind, would that even work? That necklace was worth more than her own life.

"I..guess you could." Shuichi gave up, knowing Kokichi would persist until he got his way.

The hyper wizard sprung out of his seat and cheered, "Yay! Saishu's gonna let me make something for her! It'll be done by tonight! Come to my dorm and see me there~" He purred and ran out of the dining hall, supposedly to make another necklace.

What did she get herself into..

~Time Skip~

By the time nighttime rolled around, everyone was back in their dorms, Shuichi was going to be next until she remembered she promised to meet Kokichi. She hurriedly searched for his door and knocked three times.

"You remembered!" Kokichi said, reaching out to hug Shuichi only for her to move to the side, letting Kokichi fall face first on the floor.

"Y-yeah, I did. Is the necklace finished?"

Kokichi jumped up from his frazzled state and dusted himself off, inviting Shuichi inside. Stepping into the wizards room was like walking in on the after affects of a category five hurricane. Short explication: hell.

"I know, I know, my room is as spotless as ever! But my gift will be even better!" Kokichi said sarcastically, telling her to ignore the mess.

Thankfully she got the message and peered over to a blue and indigo birthday themed box.

"Tada! This took me a looong time to make! Be thankful a powerful wizard like me even took the time out of my day to make this!" He spoke proudly, yet his hands were shaking as he opened up the box..

On the inside was what looked like a yarn stitched bracelet that faded from a beautiful orange sunset to the deep blue sea of dusk. Right in the middle were the words, "Shuichi Saihara" with small detailed hearts on the eyes written in a bright white. Safe to say, it was absolutely beautiful.

"Oh~ Does Shuichi like it? I know she would! Y-" Kokichi was cut off by the feeling of two strong arms wrapping around him and huge boobs in his face.

"T-thank you.. it looks amazing." Shuichi whispered, still not realizing what she was doing to Shuichi.

In response, Kokichi gave a weak thumbs up before collapsing from the lack of air.


~Time Skip Again~

"Well, do you think you can finally make spells now?" Kokichi asked first thing while walking into the dining hall.

Shuichi smirked and rolled her eyes, "Good morning to you too, and I'm not sure. I haven't cast one is a long time."

"Just try a simple one, like one you know by heart." Kokichi suggested.

Hesitantly, Shuichi put her breakfast aside and casted a smell on her coffee that turned it to water. For a second nothing happened, and Shuichi internally panicked. That was until the cup silently started bubbling and purifying into water.

"Woah!! It worked!" Kokichi yelled a bit too loud for the other students liking.

"Huh? Did lady Shuichi finally cast her first spell? I knew she could do it!" Tenko cheered.

"Good job sidekick! Keep it up and maybe you could even break us outta here!" Kaito spurred her on.

"And the best part is that I helped!" Kokichi tried to get some recognition in all this, but was ultimately ignored.

"It's alright Kokichi, I'm sure they know you helped in some.. way" Shuichi tried to cheer him up.

"Psh, who cares what they think! All I know is that Shuichi is in love with me-o-ow! Ow!" Kokichi screeched, his hair being pulled.

"Yeah, keep talking..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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