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(tw: more blood, throwing up blood and probably death)

blood is red
flowers are blue
you stole my heart
now i have to die for you

dear shuichi saihara,
if you're anyone other than shumai reading this..give it to him or i'll keep putting your toilet seat up before you poop! if you're kiibo than— just don't touchy >:( anyways, if you're reading this letter, than i'm most likely dead. and you're staring at my gross ugly body vibing on the floor. you probably don't know where the flowers came from so i'll get into that in a second. for now lets start from the beginning. the first time i ever met you shu, you just seemed like some anxiety driven emo. sorry if that's mean but it's the truth. but because you were i decided you'd be fun to play with. so we did. you played my games, and you solved my mysteries. and while you and i were doing that, you slowly took my heart. which is why i made it my objective to steal your heart too! nobody steals from the ultimate supreme leader and gets away with it! i'm sure you remember this part very well, shuichi. i made your heart absolutely die of worry, you got so worked up over that small little cut! it took a lot for me to not laugh. i had finally stolen your heart. or so i thought.. around after the second motive was announced, i noticed i was throwing up blood and flowers. the blood was understandable. but why the hell flowers? so like the person i am, i stayed up till 5 to sneak into the library and do some research. "hanahaki. a fictional disease in which unrequited love causes one to grow flowers in their lungs, slowly suffocating to their death. the only cure's known so far is kissing your love, or surgery and the chance you may never love again." i'm going to tell the truth. at that point i knew i was fucked. one, because i have hanahaki since our love is unrequited and two, i don't trust anyone here to do surgery on me. and they would want me to die anyways..trying to ignore the blue flowers basically becoming bile out my throat i asked monokuma what would happen if i died from this. his answer? blah blah blah if you didn't know you would live. that's all that mattered. i'm glad i could atleast do this and spare your life, shui. oh. know what i meant when the book said fictional characters? probably not, but i wont spill shuichi~ you're smart, so i'll leave it up to you. either way, by the end of the third trial, the flowers and blood had gotten too bad for me to even walk. so here i am. sitting dead right infront of your face. before i go, i have one last question to ask you, shuichi.
atleast i wasn't boring? was i?

from, kokichi ouma..

the end of the letter had graphite scraping down the bottom of the page, signifying exactly when he fainted. or..died..

safe to say.

his body was never actually found. just a mound bloody of roses, in a hue from pale white to navy blue.

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