50.Cry/Tears (2/2)

120 3 0

somehow no tws wow

"i-iruma, no!"

"let go of me jack ass!"

miu and kiibo came tumbling into the dining hall, with kiibo holding miu's waist and miu trying (and failing) to shake him off.

"whats...going on?" saihara asks and miu begins to grin.

"cockitchy has a—"

"cold!" kiibo interupted by covering miu's mouth with his cold hand making her cringe a bit.

"h-he has a cold, i'm sure you all understand why this is so important. he doesn't like feeling very vulnerable...." kiibo lied. kiibo actually lied. oh my god.

"yeah, that makes sense. tell him get better soon!" kaito waved to them as they left the room.

once the two were finally alone, kiibo's hand was pried from the others mouth and grabbed by the girl.

"the fuck? i was finally gonna get some payback." miu growled and kiibo shook his head.

"i know, but sharing someone's dairy is..how do you say it? 'not cool?'" kiibo question his own contradiction.

nonetheless, miu gave up and walked back into her lab with a groan.

right when kiibo was going to head back to his dorm, a tap on his shoulder alerted him.

"hey, kiiboy.." kokichi said. kiibo was going to respond, but was surprised to see red shot eyes and a tear stained face.

"i sorta saw what you did back there. thanks for not letting that bitch tell my secrets." kokichi sighed.

"you don't have to accpet my thank you though, i-i know i— kiibo??!" kokichi stuttered when kiibo pulled kokichi into a passionate hug.

"no need to thank me, i'm just happy i could finally help you.." kiibo whispered and finally began walking back to his dorm.

"fuckin' robot...." kiibo heard behind him

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