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a/b/o au, if that makes you uncomfy than skip this one

(shuichi is sorta salty + open ending)




"no matter where you come from or what you do. you're always a part of this family, as we are born and die st the river."

"no matter what the sins or how they're committed, we welcome you as long as you are born and die at the river."

those are the words drilled into your head the moment you're a part of the river pack. being born and dying at the river making you permanent family in the blood line. why're they so strict about these rules anyway? mostly because the first ancestors also were born and died here during the war, but that happened 300 years ago! so why is kokichi staring into the sacred river with dead and dull eyes..

"hey, dinners in a minute. you gonna stop staring yourself down or come on?" shuichi asked, just getting a growl from the omega.

"nahh, see, i'm half made of leaves! so i get all my food from the sun! that's why i've been sitting here all day." he bitterly smiles and shuichi looks at the sky.

"but it's cloudy." he states.

"i can feel it through the clouds." kokichi snapped back.

"it's almost sundown." shuichi keeps going.

kokichi hissed through his canines and sat up only to trudge into the woods, shuichi following.

"why're you following me? don't you all have some fish to stick up your ass?" the omega sighed, flopping down on the nature filled ground.

"i already ate, besides what are you doing out here so late? if you stay any longer i'm eating your portion." shuichi said, lying down with him.

since he got no response, the two sat in an uncomfortable yet dual silence. none taking any steps to start conversation.

"welp, don't be mad if you have to hunt your own food tomorrow." shuichi mumbled, heading back home.

until kokichi softly grabbed the back of his coat.

"wait..you know about the river rules, right?" kokichi seemed to be reluctant with eye contact.

"yeah, why? you aren't planning on doing anything are you?" shuichi seemed to be telling him more than asking him.

"you know me shumai, i'm always up to something. but you gotta promise not to tell anyone this, alright?" he cocked his head to the side.

shuichi thought for a bit and nodded, "fine. i won't tell."

and that's when kokichi leaned into shuichi's twitching ear and whispered words that would never leave his mind.

"i'm not going to die at the river, shuichi.."

his reaction seemed trivial, but these words held a lot more history than someone could just witness. that being said, shuichi roughly pushed kokichi into the ground. the omega hissing at the pain in his back.

"what the fuck do you mean." shuichi narrowed his eyes, the others smile not faltering.

"i meant what i said. i'm not gonna let myself die here like everyone else. you wanna know why?" kokichi hissed.

"it's because i'm sick of having all this shit drilled into my head like some mindless donkey. why don't we get to choose where we live and die? this is like living in north korea! are you really ok with that?" kokichi growled, turning his paw like fingers into a fist.

shuichi did not let up his grip.

"who ever said i was?"

the omega let out a small gasp and looked up at the pissed alpha. did he see it too?

"who ever said i wanted to just sit here on my ass and not be able to go where i want? i want out of here too, kokichi. but where the hell are we supposed to go? the maps we have aren't even up to date, we could die out there!" shuichi seemed to shakily breath out each sentence.

"that's why i'm going. so the others won't have to. since you feel the same do you want to..come with me?" kokichi looked at the ground, cheeks subtly flushing.


the excited look on the others face was worth the answer. "as long as you eat your dinner first." the alpha smiled.

"alright, we'll eat dinner on the way! c'mon!" kokichi pulled shuichi deeper into the woods.

"h-huh? right now? what about food and water?! we aren't ready for this!" the alpha seemed to panic.

kokichi scoffed, "oh please. i'll be ok as long as you're here with me." he wanted to slap his mouth for letting that slip. but just let it be.

shuichi noted this but didn't point it out, picking up his pace to match the lithe omega. this is where their journey begins.

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