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ok so here's the deal with this chapter:
i'm making a real long christmas one shot that is far from finished, but i decided to give you all a ✨sneak peak✨ that is also far from finished. and also copied from my notes so there's capital letters. ;(

either way..enjoy!

The Most Chaotic Time of the Year (WIP)
By Monokichi



Class 78 has a very, merry Christmas. That is if you describe chaos merry..

Ah yes..it's that time of year again. Endless snow coating the sky, hot chocolate being passed around the family, presents taunting you under the tree. It makes you realize how festive and beautiful December is, and how it brings so many people together. How you show gratitude with gifts and cross your fingers tight, wishing the Jolly old fat man will just give you your damn game boy already. What's it called? It's on the tip of my tongue..mm...I think it's called—


Oh, there he is. Meet the main character of this jolly story, Kokichi Ouma. He may have been through a lot in his past. Growing up in an orphanage, and growing up in even worse conditions. But despite it all, he still finds the joy to celebrate..


"I see you're very excited, Ouma." Rantaro watched and Kokichi pranced around the table and poured panta into a mug like he was drinking hot chocolate.

"Of course I am! Who wouldn't be excited for all the snow and the presents and food and—"

"Okay, okay I get it!" Amami laughed and pat his head.

Truthfully, Ouma couldn't help it. Who wouldn't be excited about Christmas? It's impossible! Nobody hates Christmas!

"Why are you so excited? I hope you know the headmaster won't allow all these decorations in the cafeteria."

Oh. And like all good stories, there's a grinch.

"W-w-what?? Maki-chan!!! Are you saying you..hate Christmas?!" Ouma looked as if he were genuinely about to cry.

She thought for a moment and shrugged, "I guess I do."

Kokichi stood there. Wide eyed and froozen, for a bit to long as Rantaro walked up to him and poked his side.

"Ouma? Kokichi? You there?" He asked, the pokes getting more frantic the longer he stood there buck-eyes.

"H-huh? Oh, hey Amami!" Kokichi said as he had finally snapped out his trance.

"Good you're back. I thought I was gonna have to call Mikan for a second." Rantaro sighed as Kokichi rolled his eyes that locked on two more victims— people entering the dining hall.

"Woah! Who added all these decorations?" Kaito said as he almost dropped his coffee, Saihara following along side him.

"Me!" Ouma yelled and tackled the astronaut who got the wind knocked out of him.

"What the fuck? Hey! Get off me!"

"Never! Embrace the Christmas spirit!"

As the two wrestled on the ground, Amami, Maki and Saihara began talking.

"Did Kokichi really do all this?" Saihara asked, fiddling with some beautiful and obviously hand drawn decorations coating the room.

"Surprisingly he did. I watched him stay up all night setting up these decorations just for class 78."

"For real?" Kaito yelled and pushed Kokichi off him with a grunt as he hit the floor quite hard.

"Yeah, just ask him if you want proof." Amami said looking at the half-unconscious Ouma.

"I...told you!" Kokichi said before he passed out completely.

Rantaro sighed for what seemed the 3rd time this morning and walked over to Kokichi, throwing him over his shoulder.

"I'll go take him to the nurse. You all have fun." The avacado said before walking off, leaving the others to do what they pleased.

(story unfortunately stops here. was planning on making this story have no ships, but will add some if requested, if you want to know any ships i'll do i'm just not doing saimatsu i have -100000% intrest in it ok bye)

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