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(tw: that existential feeling of dread and incompletion you get at 2am + graphic imagery, blood and injuries) infinity au, kokichi's name here is k. it'll make sense later

every door.

every turn.

every staircase.

is all the fucking same.

in this hell you continuously wonder around, praying and hoping that some day you'll be free. some day it'll end. that's a lot to ask for when you don't even know where it begins.

in this hell is universe after universe. this is basically the multiverse but a lot more fucked up. my words aren't enough to explain, so you can see into my..life.

if you can even call it life.

inserting mp4. dr 9000, loop 4500 XY.

"this one. could they at least have given me some sort of stupid soulmate universe. these are so cringy." k thought to himself and shifted around in the small locker.

but to him, it was much easier to move around than it should for someone his weight.

"mm..2357, 2358, 2359, 2360.." k counted to himself. no he hadn't counted 2357 numbers before dropping dead here but it was nice to start of like that. something random. something new.

it was fun when it first started. if it started. he would get to see his favorite people in different universes with different personalities, names, genders, back stories, bodies. mind. soul. they would forget you every time. all the relationships you built up. go n e.

"that went off track.." k sighed again and slammed his forehead against the locker door. he didn't even feel it. he thought that maybe this time he wouldn't have to rot away in this tiny box again. k was patient. you become patient after waiting countless and countless times over to just die. to just wait. k dies for being patient.

the locker door jingles. k sucked him air in through gritted teeth and cursed. he should've kept his tiny little waisting brain shut.

"hello? is anyone in there?" kayo. no, that's not it. kito, kiato, koto..kato. he can't fucking remember. they never remembered him too so that's fair.

k sits silently, not moving any tiny muscle in his flimsy body. k would be ecstatic if there was even one good muscle on his body.


be patient.

"what are you doing kaito?"

that's the name. k stays still though.

"just trying to see if anyone's in this locker, monokuma seemed pretty fuckin pissed that the 16th student wasn't there."

k hates this world. it's actually one of his least favorites. he hates it.

"let them die."

yes. good person.

"no! hero's don't leave people to rot! if you don't answer locker kid i'm breaking the door down!"

locker kid, he's heard that one millions of timed before, millions and millions...wait, what did he say?

before k could finally speak out his bloody dry throat, a metal locker door busted straight in his face.

but he didn't make a sound.

"fucking dumbass! you probably could've killed them with that kick!"

"my bad maki, this thing is tough."

that was just a kick? k hummed, not very intriguing. he just wants to be entertaining. you need entertainment, don't you?

"just go on and investigate the place. let me do this."

wait no don't leave me with her.

"alright." godammit.

footsteps. k hears footsteps leave from beyond the six walls making him..him.

before k could began going into another internal rant, the locker door was pried like bread off it's hinges.

"you. i don't care who you are, but get out here. the situation will be explained later." the girl glared at him and strutted out the room.

"mmm..." k just closed his eyes with a neutral expression and flopped back onto the back of the locker, making a feeble attempt to put the door back on its hinges before failing and falling face first on the floor.

a few hours passed and nobody ever came to check on him. boring, but he could suffice. it turned out k needed to stop fucking jinxing his self because shuhara passed by.

"huh? are you ok? i'm pretty sure you were the guy the others were talking about."

k wanted to give him that happy smile he could long ago and say something like, "of course they've been talking about me! everyone wants a piece of the ultimate supreme leader!" but he couldn't do that. he didn't even remember how to smile, just like how he didn't remember his own name. which is ultimately the reason why he calls himself "k"

"um..you look sick, so i'm just gonna—" shuichi picked kokichi up and put him on his shoulders, dragging him to who knows (or cares) where.

once they got there and shuichi almost broke an ankle trying to maneuver around the door, k was dropped on the bed and shuichi huffed to gain his breath.

"you haven't spoke at all since you got here. do you wanna know whats going on?"

i wish i didn't.

"we're in a killing game?"


oh. it seems he was wrong. what au is this then huh? prison, diverge, monster. he had shortened them down to the most simplistic form so he could easily name them all.

"we're basically in a dating simulation." oh, salmon team, that's ok. these weren't really the most entertaining, but were in fact the longest and let him take a breath in this infinite hell.

"nice." was all k could get before he blacked out on the bed.

finished mp4. dr 1 loop 10000000.
mp3 completed.

k continues to tread though the white blistered walls. a hollow body attempting to scream, a shadow blood pool threatening to spill.
the loop continues.

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