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the interactions between a ghost and a human..are more wholesome than you think

nobody believed him when he told his tale. the ghost behind the door right beside the bunker is haunted by a ghost.

he was relatively fine with having no one believe his tale, it was so far out there he understood. maybe he was crazy. but if being crazy meant having a friend, so be it.

school and talk was hard to balance. the boy made it work, as he even shared his assigned work with the lost soul. their conversation went something dire to this;

hey, are you here today? or gone on another walk

the thin piece of paper stood still. silent, silent, silent until sliding across the grassy floor and under the door.

there is no sound of someone writing, but shuichi could tell, their next conversation had begun.

nope, nope, nope! i've been sitting here on my lonely but all day and night. where did my friend go?

nowhere special. i had exams last friday.

what??? tell "final exams" to wait, i barely even get to see you anymore! :'(

the frowny face made him laugh an undeniably cute laugh, it disappeared when he realized he had to send his response.

no, those tests determine if i can make it to the next grade until i graduate from middle school.

i see, i see~ by the way, you have a cute laugh! you should talk to me more, what does graduate mean?

talk? well...

"g-graduate means i'll have to go to highschool. which is another school with a bunch of higher level extra curriculums." shuichi's lips trembled as he spoke, a habit devolved from the lack of use in his vocal cords.

the note slid itself back under the door, and the knob began to rattle. it was unsettling beyond belief.

so you'll be leaving me soon huh?

"oh..no! no i won't! i mean, i wont be at the school anymore but if you could come outside the d-door we could be friends?" shuichi offered fiddling with the flowers in the grass.

i thought we were already friends, how could you shuichi! how could you!

he was going to bark out and retaliate until he saw that wasn't it.

don't worry though, that's a lie. of course we're friends! although, if you want to see me than we can't speak anymore. is that okay?

"..i-i...i.." shuichi sucked his breath in, "yes."

the letter is pushed under the door one more time, and pushed out for the last time. it read;

burn the letter, i'll see you soon.

he burned had no experience with fire, so he ate it.

from then on out shuichi had no contact with the ghost, still taking the usual 'you're crazy' talk for sitting on the soil all recess.

a day went by, then a week, than two, than a month, than three. he should've known not to keep so much faith in that note.

"we have a new student in class today!" "yeah i know, i bet he'll be cute!"

what was this? shuichi had heard nothing of this today, and it peaked a bit of interest.

"settle down kids, say hello to our new student." the teacher announced.

you couldn't explain the look on shuichi's face when a 13-14 looking boy in a straight jacket with a tattered scarf around his neck.

"kokichi ouma, nice to meet you!"

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