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this one was sort of hard so uh take some aesthetic.

smoke filled the halls as the boom made a devastating hole in the ground where the academy once was.

fire in the dining hall, rubble in the gym, and all that was left of the academy were broken dreams.

...is what i would say if everyone hadn't survived.

the 16 ultimate students had made it out before a killing could even happen, being led by the ultimate supreme leader.

where was monokuma? also probably dead.

the group also figured out a way to break the glass, to which they were greeted by a bunch of news reporters, fangirls and others crowding around them.

"sir, would you please tell us what happened?" one reporter managed to get through and put a microphone up to shuichi's face.

"i-i-uh, well—"

"we fought in world war three!!" kokichi directed the microphone towards him, grabbing the crowds attention.

"someone stop him.." rantaro groaned as Kokichi continued spilling lies after lies to the amused crowd.

"i'm on it." maki said and walked toward him.

"and then i took over russia! you wouldn't believe the look on that assholes fa- owww~ maki wha?"

the purple haired leader whined as maki pulled him ear away from the people and back towards the group.

just a few moments later, a doctor with spiky brown hair and a lab coat walked through the crown who let him through.

"hey, sorry for all the people overwhelming you as soon as you got out.." he spoke and miu stepped in front. of the class.

"ehh? who's this guy? he looks like—"

"okay that's enough!" kiibo slapped his hand over her mouth and the doctor laughed.

"I apologize, i'm dr.hinata. i was told to come here to escort the v3 class to danganronpa hq."

none of them trusted the name 'danganronpa hq' very much, but decided not to question it for now..

"if you'd follow me.." he said and then a long, black and expensive looking limousine pulled up around the street.

"ooo~ i could get used to this~" kokichi cooed before getting a bonk on the head by saihara, which somehwat shut him up.

needless to say, they might have gotten a happy ending.

one by one, the students got into the limousine while making casual conversation as dawn neared in the sky.

kokichi's pov

i slowly woke up, and stretched until i remembered the dream i had.

looking around my room, boxes, papers—pens.. and still back in this stupid ass killing game.

well, back to square one.

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