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Somi's PoV

Smells nice!

Wow, this one is good!

Wah, sweet!


"Somi stop it!"I snapped as I heard Chaeyoung's voice.


"You look weird. Didn't I tell you not to do that when we are in public?" She said like she's with the most embarrassing person of all time.

"Yeye, whatever. I just can't stop myself. The scents of their love are so... it's so good!" I exclaimed

"Tch, whatever. Let's go now, the others might be waiting." Chaeyoung said.

While walking, I roamed my eyes and saw many people around us. I can smell the scent of their love.

Yep, you read it right. I'm Jeon Somi, an expert with the scents of love.

Kinda weird but nope. It all started when I was a child, I used to love perfumes and things related to scents. I thought...I mean my parents thought it's normal. Not until I reached 12 and say things that they didn't expect. I can clearly say what is the smell of real love, I can identify which is fake and which is not. Just a small scent, I can tell whose scent is meant or match for you.

But who cares? I used this ability of mine for myself. I love traveling, going to different places to meet different people. I encountered different scents. Some are sweet, some are alluring.

And I do like it every time I smell it. I met lots of people and of course, expecting that they are the right scent for me. I mean their love but nope, maybe I was wrong, I can tell what is the right scent for me but it didn't long last.

I even got into many relationships because of that. I always found a good scent but ended up to nothing. At the end, it's either the scent of love will go or I'll get suffocated in that scent.

"Somi we're here," Chaeyoung said and stopped at the shared house that we found to stay with.

We are about to enter but suddenly I stopped as I smelled something.

My eyebrows raised as I realized that it's something new.

Not too sweet, but it's kinda unique.

I looked around to find who's person owned that scent but saw nothing.

"It's ok, I can find you maybe next time," I said to myself and entered the shared house.


A/N: If you happen to read my michaeng fanfic, TGWSRS probably you already have an idea in this story since I did some spoiler there. This is another series of SENSE SERIES so better read it thanks!


#1THE GIRL WHO SEES RED STRING (Cold_jane10) * chapters 1-69 are at my old account. done!

#1.1 THE GIRL WHO SEES RED STRINGS: RED STRING VS. US. (Jeeyn_kold) *it's the continuation* done!

#2 SCENT OF LOVE (jeeyn_kold) *SomiXReader* on-going!

#3 I CAN HEAR IT (jeeyn_kold)

*DAHMO* coming soon!

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