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"Take me back to bed it's cold out here" I said softly

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"Take me back to bed it's cold out here" I said softly. I was still half asleep as Stokeley carried me around. I have no idea where he had to go at night, that I had to join. We have a class I the morning and we're not even on the best terms.

"I'm sorry I'll turn the heat on. You're cool with this right" he said as he opened my car door.

"My car"

"V I told you upstairs I was taking yours. It cost less for gas" he says. I feel like he's yelling at me and I want to cry.

"What are you talking about" I pout.

"Bunny wake up please for one second. He said sitting me in the car.

"Hmmm" I mumbled softly getting comfortable placing the seat back.

"Please, just 5 minutes so I don't feel like I'm kidnapping you" he said. I was dosing off.

"Where's the heat like you said, Stokeley I'm cold" I pout. I hate when he wakes me up he's always talking. I need time. Right now I just want sleep.

"I'll just take you back to your room fuck it" he says and grabs my hand. I sit up and rub my eyes. I look up at him as he stopped for a second.

"Come on so you can get back in bed"

"Wait I'm up what's happening" I say.

"I got to see my folks some shit happened and I'm walking you to your room" he said.

" to Florida, alone" I say. "I'm coming. It's fine. I'm sure you didn't want to go alone" I say and yawn.

"It's cool I'll text you instead" he says about to take me out the car.

"Stokeley. Let me come. I'm already out here, can we stop and get drinks though" I say laying back in the seat.

"Alright" he said getting up and closing my door before going to the other side and getting in.

"You okay" I asked as he started the car, I scooted closer and rubbed the side of his face with the back of my hand.

"Yeah" he sighed before pulling away and driving.

"You want to talk about it" I asked. He just looked out of it. Although it's kind of blurry due to me still being very tired. I was up until late thinking about what to do as far as us again, but this time I eventually went to sleep.

"About us" he said.

"I didn't mean that, we can wait—"

"I don't want to wait V. We do all then you tell me you really do want to break up I'll feel like I'm waisting my time. For all that if we not going to be together you shouldn't of came I'd be fine" he says. He got mad easily and I tried to think it wasn't my fault because he shouldn't be mad already. We just started talking.

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