Rooftop Showdown- Thorin

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You and Fili heard the sound of drums and lights flickered in the distant tunnels.

"This was a trap, we have to get out," you yelled, you tried to run but the Pale Orc blocked your path, he had a twisted grin that made your heart drop. The orcs behind you grabbed you and held you back. You couldn't do anything.

The orcs brought you up to the rooftop, you looked down to see Thorin, Kili, and Bilbo.

"Thorin, you have to get out-!" the Pale Orc slapped you across the face. Thorin roared in anger.

"Fili!" Kili shouted.

The Pale Orc grabbed Fili by the neck and held him out over the roof. He then jabbed a sword through his side. "No!" Kili yelled, The Pale orc dropped Fili and he landed with a sickening thud. You mistakenly looked down, Fili lay there, dead. Kili, outraged, ran off before anyone could hold him back. The Pale orc then grabbed you.
"Don't you touch her!" Thorin growled.

"Is this love?" The Orc remarked.

"Thorin, please," you choked.

"Go ahead, tell her it's okay. Tell her you love her, now its the chance to do it," he sneered. You looked down towards Thorin.

"Thorin." A tear ran down your face. The pale orc held you over the roof and prepared to drop you, you braced your self for pain.

"Y/n," Thorin sighed, you looked down again to see he had a tear streaming down his cheek. "I love you-" You could only just hang there shocked. The Pale orc laughed as he raised his sword arm. You watched as Thorin could only stand there, helpless.

"I love you too," you cried. 

The Pale Orc drove his blade into your gut and twisted it before yanking it out. You felt blood gush out and well up your throat. The hand around you loosed and you fell. You landed with and agonizing thud next to Fili.

"Y/n!" Thorin raced forward and caressed your broken body. You could feel the heat rising off of him as he stared at the Pale Orc, who then turned away laughing. "I'm so, so sorry."

"You- you love me?" you rasped. Thorin looked down at you softly.

"I just didn't know how to tell you," he replied. You started coughing and blood splattered across your legs.

"I wish we had more time," you told him, by now more tears were falling down Thorin's cheeks.

"I do too." He leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"Thorin-" you sighed. Then all went black.

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