Take Me Instead- Thranduil

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Trigger Warning: Torture?

You sat happily in a field having a picnic with your husband Thranduil and your son, Legolas. Legolas was the young age of a hundred years old. At the moment, he was off 'chasing orcs' in his fictional, imaginative world. 

His grin was enough to brighten the darkest days as he returned, claiming that he had slain two thousand orcs.

"Two thousand?" Thranduil laughed, catching your gaze for a moment. "I bet they didn't even know what hit them, my mighty Prince!" 

You smiled to yourself, Thranduil and Legolas got along so well. Ever since your child was born, the father and son were nearly inseparable.

"Imma go get momma some flowerz." Legolas slurred then ran off into the woods again. You saw him duck down and reappear with a pretty yellow daisy. He held it into the air for you to see before dashing off again.

"Someone should go after him," you said, "he's quite the adventurer."

Thranduil smiled and started to get up. "I bet he's going to go on many journeys."

You stood as well, letting your fingers catch your husband's. He pulled you closer to him, letting your foreheads touch. You closed your eyes and let yourself melt into his embrace- Only to get interrupted by a scream. 

A child's scream. Your child's scream. 

"Legolas!" You yelled, breath hitching. The moment was gone in an instant and you were bounding into the forest towards the sound of the cry. 

You drew your blade as did Thranduil, knowing that something was wrong. This wasn't just your son falling and scratching his knee- no, it was more. You sensed it.

You found Legolas with a knife to his throat, with many orcs surrounding him. You were hopelessly outnumbered.

"Momma!" Legolas whimpered. Your instinct told you to murder all of the orcs there but they could kill Legolas before you even got to him. You resisted and saw Thranduil stiffen, obviously resisting the urge to jump and fight as well.

"Drop your weapons, and he may go unharmed." An orc sneered. Your grip on your knife loosened, but it did not fall from your grasp. The orc applied more pressure to the blade on Legolas' neck, a thin line of blood dripped from the wound. "I said drop the weapons, she-elf." Your knife clattered onto the soil, and you looked over to Thranduil whose sword already laid at his feet.

"Please-" Your voice was breathy. "Let him go."

"Now what do we have here?" said another orc. "Isn't this touching? Though we never said that we would release your son. Do you think we came here by coincidence?"

"Please!" you said again. "At least- take me instead!" Orcs looked up, shocked at your offer but then sneered as a pained expression overtook Thranduil's poker face.

"This is an offer we can't resist," the first orc chuckled. He released Legolas and shoved him to Thranduil, who immediately dropped to his knees to comfort his sobbing child and tend to his wounds.

"Grab her." Many filthy hands grabbed you and threw you onto the ground.

"Let her go!" Thranduil shouted, shielding Legolas behind him. 

"No," answered an orc, "I would rather see you suffer." A breeze blew through the clearing, stirring the green grass and blowing the putrid scent of the orcs at you. You couldn't see what the band was doing behind you, but you knew what was happening. They were going to torture and kill you in front of Thranduil, and you knew he wouldn't run and leave you.

Instead, he made a move for his sword. His hand nearly reached the blade when an orc snarled, "Touch that weapon and she's dead." An orc grabbed you by your hair and pulled you back. The orcs retreated a few steps, just to make sure they were out of reach of Thranduil just in case he didn't listen. 

Your husband's expression fell. His fingers switched, so close to the hilt of his sword. You knew what he was capable of. But if he attacked, you would be dead before he cut down enough of the orcs. He drew his arm back.

You barely had time to brace yourself after the loud crack! of a whip sounded, your shirt ripped and pain stung at your back. Again and again, the whip turned your skin raw. Thranduil tried in vain to get to you, but the orcs only stopped him. Thranduil could only watch helplessly and try to calm Legolas. He couldn't send Legolas off home, he was too young and could easily be captured.

 "Legolas, close your eyes," he said softly.  

Your teeth were clamped shut with the resistance to scream, it would only give the orcs more pleasure in beating you, and it would only bring Thranduil and your more pain.

Keep it together, this is for your family. If you do a good job, they may even let them go, or at least give them a chance to run for reinforcements...

The whip cracked the air again and you looked up to see the sky was fading purple, a search party would be sent anytime soon.

"Elf troops are coming!" A small orc came running into the clearing, he had an arrow sticking out of his gut, then he collapsed.

Thranduil perked and whispered something into Legolas' ear, Legolas responded by wrapping his hands around Thranduil's neck. Finally, soldiers burst into the clearing. But they were too late, a sword impaled your chest and you gasped, faintly hearing Thranduil scream. The sounds of battle echoed all around you and your fell to the ground, struggling to breathe. You tried to look up, to search for your family.

Your vision started fading and the last sounds of battle died away, Thranduil ran up to your side and started in horror at you. The once green grass was now stained in blood and bodies of elves and orcs littered the clearing.

"Y/n!" Thranduil shouted, but you could barely hear him. You felt him pick you up into his arms and try in vain to cover your wounds.

"Legolas?" You managed to choke out, along with a spurt of blood.

"He's with a group of guards on the way back to the palace," he rasped, clearly trying to hold back a sob.

"That's good." You sighed, your pain had started ebbing away leaving you with a feeling of peace.

"I love you, y/n." Thranduil brushed away a strand of hair in your face. You looked up into the starry night sky and listened as the wind swooshed through the leaves. Then you looked at Thranduil, your love for many years, his crown was tilted but his hair remained silky and flawless.

"I love you too."

Thranduil held you, and the guards formed a protective circle around you. Thranduil stayed until your last breath left your body and you turned cold. Finally, he brushed away his tears that silently fell and formed a stone-cold face. 

Thranduil's happiness died with you, leaving Legolas to grow up with a feeling of abandonment, raised by a nanny.

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