Wish I Never- Thorin

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Requested by: AnotherThranduil


Hours, or was it days?  The sun rose slowly and so did the moon. Your hands blistered and cut from digging nonstop through the vast piles of gold that spread across the room. Erebor, your home, had been reclaimed.

And what was your reward? Searching for the stupid Arkenstone.

You looked up to your lover of three years, Thorin King of the Mountain. You swallowed the bitterness that followed the thought of him. You loved him, but he changed. The gold was effecting him. The greed twisted his mind. His eyes only saw hatred and desire.

"I have had enough," you blurted out, dropping the gold in your aching hand. "Thorin, we can't keep doing this." You slid down the pile of coins you were standing on and marched up to the King.

"Are you," he spoke in an eerie voice, "defying your King?"

"I'm standing up for what right. Look around, Thorin! Your 'citizens' are tired. Hunger lingers in their stomachs, their hands are bloodied from the endless work you force us to do! Rightful Kings actually care about the well being of their people, do they not?"

"Don't tell me how to act! Go back and keep looking. None shall rest until my birthright is found."

"No," you said plainly. You sighed deeply and pointed your chin up. "You only care about yourself, Thorin. This is not you! Dragon Sickness is effecting you, can't you see? If you are going to be like this, no one will follow you. Please, just let the lads rest!"

" Get back to work, y/n," Thorin growled.

"No," you said again sternly. "My feet are the roots of trees and they are planted here."

"Then get out!" He snapped, "Go to the forest where your roots belong- in the dirt!"

"Thorin, this is my home. I will not be forced to leave unless I feel I have too. Something's wrong with you.  Just listen to me!"

Then your lover did something you never expected him to. He slapped you across the face. Dots danced across your vision and your cheek stung. You felt a warm substance drip from you cheek. With a shaking hand you reached up to find that you were bleeding. Your heart seemed to stop as you could only stand there a gawk.

The Company stared at you, shocked.

"That's it. You are no king, Thorin. I can't believe I ever loved a dwarf who I thought to be honest and kind... And strong, of all things. I thought you were different, I thought you could handle what your grandfather didn't. Clearly, I was wrong. And if you are letting a stupid little stone like the Arkenstone do this to you, you don't deserve my love nor the title of King."

The words set a pang across your chest. Of course you still loved him... But this was too far. You hoped by saying what you said would help him.

"Get out. Leave." Thorin pointed to the entrance to the mountain.

"With pleasure," you sneered to hide the emotion in your voice. The ran off to gather your possessions, holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

"Lass, he doesn't know what he's saying." Balin said as he entered your room.

"No," you sniffed, "I think he does. It might be better if I left- just for a little bit." You sighed and hoisted your bag over your shoulder and walked to the door. "I don't like to give up without a fair fight. I'll see what I can do later, hopefully when he gets some sense knocked into that thick skull of his."

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