Dwarves in the Kitchen- Bilbo and Thorin

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Requested by: lotr_girl

You were talking a walk around the woods, memories coming back to you from when you and your brother, Bilbo, went looking for elves. You chuckled to yourself, your sense of adventure never wavered after all these years; You had to learn to contain it, you were not a child after all.

You heard the sounds of footsteps crunching across the gravel coming from the direction of the road. You listened in, they were heavy and long paced. Definitely not a hobbit, but who would want to come to The Shire? You sucked in a breath and ran down to the road to see a dwarf!

"Hello, my Lord Dwarf." You walked into the road. "Is there anything I can help you with?" You decided to be polite, you have seen many lost men wander into this part of the Shire by mistake, maybe the dwarf was lost.

The dwarf looked shocked, then relieved.

"Yes, I was looking for Mr. Baggins." It was your turn to be shocked, what did he want with your brother? By now, Bilbo would be settling down for dinner.


"I can't tell you that, lass."

"My name is Y/n Baggins, I am his sister. I believe I have a right to know." You straightened yourself and looked him dead in the eye. "But- If you're looking for his house, I will be happy to escort you there. Though, it's for the price of knowledge."

"You're a brave one," the dwarf chuckled.

"I'm also very stubborn and loyal. You have business with my brother, I will stick to his side. You better be ready to tell me, Mr-"

"Dwalin," he said gruffly.

"Mr. Dwalin." You set a smirk on your face.

"If you're a Baggins, you might need to be there anyways."

Approaching your brother's house, you noticed a peculiar mark on his door. A symbol glowing with blue light. Nevertheless, you rang the bell. 

Once, no answer. Twice, the door opened.

"Dwalin, at yer service." The dwarf next to you bowed low and your brother hastily tied his robe.

"B-Bilbo Baggins, a-at yours." Dwalin walked in and immediately went to Bilbo's dinner.  Your brother looked at you accusingly. "Y/n, why did you bring a dwarf here?"

"He said he had business with you, private business. I think it's important. He also said I might be involved in it." You both looked over to Dwalin, who had his mouth full.

"Very good, this, is there any more?" You nodded towards the biscuits on the shelf by the window and Dwalin got up.

"And I was curious, and I couldn't leave you to handle a dwarf by yourself."

At that moment, another dwarf approached the door. This one had a white hair and beard, no doubt very old.

"Balin, at yer service."

"There's more!" Bilbo whispered with panic in his eyes.

"Good evening," you greeted, ignoring your brother.

"Yes, it is," Balin said as he let himself in.

"How many more are coming?" Bilbo groaned, obviously irritated that dwarves were coming uninvited into his house.

"Gandalf, there are dwarves in my kitchen!" You could hear Bilbo yelling. But, you had to admit, this was fun! You giggled as the dwarves burst into song and soon plates were flying into neat formations and everybody was laughing. That's when you noticed a new shape walking up the path.

You pushed your way through the dwarves and to the door right as the bell rang. The dwarves silenced and that's when you knew that this new person was important. Gandalf walked up behind you as you opened the door.

The new dwarf was breathtaking. You could tell he was of royal bloodline just by his posture. He was dressed in traveling furs and had many weapons plus an oakenbranch with him. You felt his gaze meet yours and you blushed and lowered your head, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Gandalf," he spoke as you felt his intense gaze being lifted. "I thought you said this place would be easy to find."

You watched and listened as the path of retaking a mountain was explained. You felt a sudden desire to help the dwarves on their quest. Thorin looked so broken from not having his home, you saw the longing in his eyes when he looked at the map. It was his kingdom. He was a king! However, he looked like someone who was not only doing this for himself, but for his family.

You smirked when they revealed they wanted Bilbo to be their burglar and handed him a contract.

"Incineration?!" You gave a chuckle as you looked over his shoulder. Thorin also extended the offer to you- being a burglar.

"Aye, burn the flesh off of your bones in a blink of an eye," Bofur said with a surprising cheerful tone.

"Wow," Bilbo squeaked.

"You alright, laddie?" Balin leaned over the table to look at Bilbo.

"Yeah, feeling a bit faint."

"Think furnace with wings," Bofur persisted. "Flash of light, searing pain, then poof! You're nothing more than a pile of ash." You looked over to Thorin, who didn't look amused.

"No!" Then you heard Bilbo fall to the ground. You gasped, running over to your brother.

"Gandalf, help me get him to his chair." 

You dragged Bilbo across the room before Gandalf picked him up and set him into the chair. Then you ran to the kitchen to get a cup of tea.

"Y/n." You heard a deep voice behind you. "Are you still up for being our burglar?" You turned to see Thorin standing behind you. Your heart fluttered and you wished you could go and help him.

"I want to help you reclaim your home," you said honestly. "I would love to extend what little help I will be able to give, but I will have to talk to my brother. I can't just leave him."

"I'm okay, I just need to sit quietly for a while."

"You have been sitting quietly for far too long!" You raised your voice. "Tell me, when did doilies and our mother's dishes become so important to you? I remember our childhood when we were always running off in search of elves and wolves in the woods. We would stay out late, come home after dark, trailing mud, twigs, and fireflies." You giggled, "We were young hobbits who would find nothing better than to be beyond the borders of the Shire."

"The world is not in your books," Gandalf added, "it's out there."

"I can't just go running off into the blue! I'm a Baggins-"

"And so am I," you interrupted. Bilbo silenced.

"You are both Tooks, also." Gandalf said quietly as he told the story of your ancestor.

"I believe you made that up," Bilbo said, defeated.

"Bilbo, enough, already," you finally said. "You are giving up a chance of a lifetime because of fear. You can't let fear control you. Look at Thorin, his home was taken from him and now he is going back to reclaim it to help his family. He must be scared! And here you are, with a home and enough food to feed thirteen dwarves, and denying their plea for help?"


"I don't care what you think," you sighed, "I'm going to sign that contract. I want to help Thorin's Company."

You got up and walked to the room where the dwarves were talking.

"You have a burglar," you announced, grabbing a quill and some ink. Thorin gave you the contract with a small smile. You dipped the quill in the ink and neatly placed your signature on the line.

"Wait," Bilbo sighed, "you have another burglar." You gave him the quill and he signed.

"Everything seems to be in order," Balin said, satisfied.

"We leave at dawn," Thorin finished.

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