Stars- Legolas/Haldir

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Rain poured all around you, you could barely see anything except for the orc's torches glowing like stars. Helms Deep echoed with swords clashing and the satisfying whoosh of an arrow being released.

You had come here with the Fellowship. Legolas, your boyfriend, stood next to you while your brother, Haldir was off fighting to the side.

"Legolas! Shoot him down!" Aragorn's voice sounded from a couple feet away, you turned only to see an Uruk- Hai running with a torch towards an explosive device, right at the sewer beneath Aragorn's feet. Legolas drew arrow after arrow and shot in vain, but the foul creature did not falter. At last, Legolas shot him in the neck, but the Uruk fell forward...

You felt your body being lifted as the explosion burst and ringing filled your ears. You landed in the fast flowing currents of water as the dam broke, you were lucky to not be hit by a falling chunk of the wall.

Orcs poured into Helms Deep from all the gaps of the battered stone wall. You recovered from yours daze and fought against the waters to reenter the stone fortress.

"Y/n! Watch out!" Aragorn yelled, you ducked as series of arrows flew over your head and at the advancing line of enemies. Swords were drawn as elves charged at the attackers, lifting your own, you charged with them.

You watched in horror as elf after elf was slain by the deadly hands of the Uruk-Hai, this only made you battle more fiercely. Slicing the heads off of more Uruks, you saw Haldir fighting up on the wall and Legolas had found his way to your side again.

"Aragorn, Legolas, Y/n!" Theoden's voice rang out. "To the keep!" Nodding you repeated his commands to the elves.

"Nan Barad! Pull back to the Keep!" you yelled.

"Haldir! Nan Barad!" Aragorn shouted. Haldir nodded and also began yelling for the warriors that remained on the walls. His attention strayed from the battle around him... You watched as an Uruk crept up behind him. Haldir, your brother, was in trouble!

You pushed away from the others and ran up the steps with surprising speed.

"Y/N!" Legolas yelled from below, supporting an injured elf. "Get to the Keep!"

But you had to save Haldir, you had to put your family's safety before your own.

The Uruk behind Haldir raised his sword... You didn't have time to think, pushing yourself faster you shoved Haldir aside, and took the blow instead. Your stomach erupted in fiery pain as the Uruk-Hai's sword ripped down your torso. You swung your blade and his head toppled off. The ringing in your ears grew louder as you fell into your brother's arms.

"Y/n, oh no!" Haldir swiftly picked you up and carried you to the Keep. You screamed out as the rain stung your wounds. You felt your eyes begin to droop and the sounds started dying around you.

"Keep your eyes fixed on me," Legolas commanded you. His voice was thick with tears. You felt yourself being laid down on the cold floor and soft hands tried to cover your wounds. Still, hot and sticky blood pooled at your back. "Y/n, it's going to be okay. You are going to be okay," Legolas whispered. He sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"You and I both know that's not true," you rasp, coughing up some blood. It took all of your effort not to flinch at the new pain. "Please... don't leave me."

"I'm never going to leave you," Legolas murmured. His hand combed itself through your hair, clearing it of tangles and fixing the strays. Haldir, who was always there for you in your times of trouble, took your hand.

You remembered when you two were just little elflings... When he took your hand and guided you to the forest. There was a gap in the trees that gave you a clear view to the night sky. Haldir would show you all the constellations that he had learned, he told you the stories of how your ancestors joined the stars when their time had come to move on.

A couple (hundred) years later, you had met Legolas. As you fell in love, he would take you out each night so you could look at the stars. Legolas taught you how to interpret the stars for omens and wishes. He talked about the Feast of Starlight, a Mirkwood tradition.

Stars were special for the three of you, you had wanted to pass on what you had learned to your children, but yet here you were, together as you felt the life leave you with every drop of blood. You looked over to the window, where the last star was fading with the rising sun.

"When I was little," you sighed, "I always dreamed of the stars."

Then you let yourself go.

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