Family- Dwalin

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Requested By: lunawolf8074

"Arrg!" You screamed and launched an aimed kick at your bed. Pain sprung up your toes and jolted through your body. "I hate you!" You yelled back at your mother. "I wish I'd never been born!"

You had never felt such anger and hatred. You and your mother always quarreled, it was almost a weekly routine. Moving to the Blue Mountains after Erebor was taken had not been easy for your family. Your father died from malnutrition on the journey, and your mother became a drunk. You hated your life so much.

"I wish I never have to put up you day after day!" She called back.

"I hate you!" You screeched, straightening defiantly, ignoring the pain in your foot. "You are a sorrowful excuse for a mother."

"You dare you!" She yelled, lunching forward and slapping you across the face. Your face stung and you reached up to feel warm blood trickle down your cheek. "Get out of my sight, never come back! I never wanted a daughter anyways." She slurred. You felt tears well up in your eyes, but you were quick to gather your most precious things and exit the house.

Sobbing, you ran across the winding streets. You stumbled and made a sight for the other dwarves but you didn't care. You kept on running, pain flaring from your toes, cheek, and heart.

You were almost to the summit of the mountain when you tripped and rolled, twigs snapping in your face and your sword cut uncomfortably in your side. You could only just lay there, unable to get up. Stars danced across your vision, you faded into unconsciousness.

You soared high up like the Great Eagles, you were free. Below you saw your mother, you smiled at the sight of her. You were out of her reach. The wind seemed to whisper in your ear.



"Y/n, Durin, wake up!" A gruff voice woke you from your slumber. Your eyes slowly came into focus and saw Dwalin glaring down on you... No, not glaring, that was his natural face. He actually looked concerned. "Thank goodness." He breathed once he saw your eyes open.

"Hey." You rasped, greeting your blacksmith mentor.

"Y/n, what happened?" You could hear the worry in his voice. That's when you broke into sobs again, pushing yourself up so you could wrap your arms around his broad shoulders.

"It was my mother!" You cried, Dwalin tensed up, know about the abuse your mother did to you. "She kicked me out, she was drunk, but-but s-she kicked me out." You struggled to breathe. "S-she t-t-told me not t-to come back!" Dwalin looked shocked. "I have no family now."

"Y/n!" He roared, his sudden outburst scaring you. "Don't you dare say you have no family!"




You could see heat rising up in his cheeks.

"You love me?" You spoke quietly, breaking the awkward silence that hung in the air.

"Y-yes." He answered cautiously. "I love you, that's true. I c-could be your family if you wanted. Don't let your mother-" You broke him off by planting a passionate kiss on his lips. Dwalin soon relaxed into it and returned the kiss with the same amount of passion.

For once it felt like you were loved, like you weren't alone. There was no one to beat you, and curse you for things you didn't do. Dwalin was your escape, you had always loved him.

"I love you too. I would love to be part of your family." You breathed, smiling against his cheek.

"I'm glad." Dwalin sighed before pulling you into another kiss.

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