Falling for you?- Gimli

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Requested by: Ultra_Pink_Tights

Its going to be a longer one, but nice and full of fluff. (Towards the end at least...)


You had left The Shire with your brother, Frodo. You both knew about Bilbo's ring it just happened that Frodo found it and learned about its history first. Gandalf had sent you and your brother out of the Shire, the name "Baggins" no longer being safe.

On your journey, you crossed paths with Merry, Pippin, and Strider. But you were being huntedby the Ring Wraiths, Strider explained. You were separated from Frodo after he had gotten stabbed by a Morgul Blade; you had to stay behind while an elf named Arwen rode off with him. The two of you reunited at Rivendell.

You were stunned by the all gentle waterfalls and open space. Immediately, a few elves rushed over to help you with all your supplies. They didn't speak much; they just greeted you and guided you to your room so you could relax.

A few days later, Frodo woke up and you were notified about a secret meeting.

As the Council of Elrond was about to start, you took your seat which happened to be next to a dwarf. You had heard tales about them from Bilbo and they sounded very interesting at the time, but you never expected to meet one. You opened your mouth to capture his attention and introduce yourself but Elrond had started speaking.

"Strangers of distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor,-" Elrond started and continued talking. Then he stopped. "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo." 

Frodo walked slowly up to a pedestal that sat in the middle of the circle of guests. He stretched his hand out and delicately placed The Ring in the center of it. Gimli turned to you.

"It's the Ring!" he exclaimed in a whisper. You blushed at his sudden interaction with you. You wanted to say something— but what? You didn't have to think long, however.

Boromir had stood up and walked towards the Ringchaos broke out trying to stop him. Elrond explained that the Ring had to be destroyed. Then Gimli jumped up and broke an axe by slamming it down over the gold object. You blushed again as he turned around, red with embarrassment, and retook his seat.

Elrond talked more about how the Ring had to be destroyed, and one of the council members had to do it. Arguments broke out through the area. You rested your head in your hands, suddenly yearning for the rolling green hills and bubbling streams that was your home. It was quiet there, at least. How was arguing going to stop Sauron? Then a small voice shoutedyour brother's.

"I will take it." You looked up sadly at your sibling. The rest of the council quieted, looking at Frodo with expressions of bewilderment. "I will take it! I will take the Ring to Mordor, though... I do not know the way."

"I will help you, Frodo." You spoke surely. "You can count on me to pick up the Ring if you fall."

"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it's yours to bear." Gandalf put his hand on Frodo's shoulder, then Aragorn stood up.

"If by my life or death, I can protect you. I will. You have my sword."

"And my bow."

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