Healer- Thranduil

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Sorry for not updating. I know some of you wanted a part two for Secret-Nori, but I kind of wanted to leave that one open to your imagination.

Requested by: KNWLovesYou

You were pacing, Thranduil's army should've returned two days ago. The infirmary had blown into complete chaos, nurses rushed in and out finding extra herbs for, pretty much everything.

You walked back to the stores, just to check you had plenty of each leaf. You had borage for bring down fevers... Burdock Root for infections... Burnet to stop bleeding...

You were disrupted from your thoughts when a horn blew in the distances. Guards that were left behind started yelling to open the gates and some rushed to the infirmary to alert the nuses.

"Y/n." One of them rushed to you. "Grab supplies, the King has been injured." Your heart dropped and immediately grabbed random handfuls of herbs and rushed to the King's chambers. He wouldn't want to be placed with the lower ranked officials. You were halfway there when you saw some elves running down the hall with him in a cot. You rushed after them and entered his room. They gently put Thranduil down on his oversized bed and looked at you.

"Go," you ordered. "I can handle this, but stay by the door if you want." Reluctantly, they exited. You looked at Thranduil, he was asleep, but alive.

You crawled over to him and removed some of his armor to asses his wounds.

He had a few minor cuts on the face, a dislocated shoulder, and a terrible gut wound. Blood seeped heavily from his stomach, the King was paling quickly.

Step one: stop the bleeding. You grabbed some burnet, goldenrod, and horsetail and chewed it into a pulp and applied it to the wound. Goldrenrod was used for quicker healing and horsetail was used for stopping bleeding as well as fighting infection. Then you worked by bandaging him up. You called a couple guards in to lift him up so you could do it properly, then excused them again. You found it more stressful to heal while others stared at you.

Now that you had gotten the hard part done, you applied more ointment onto his face and relocated his shoulder.

Thranduil looked so pale, still. He barely moved or reacted during your treatment. Most would wake up screaming at the sting, or at least groan with the aches. The King was unnaturally silent. At least he stopped bleeding...

You spent the next few days practically camping by his side. You felt strangely protective of your patient, King or not. You felt this need to succeed in healing him, if he died... What would you do to yourself? He was a great king, you admired and looked up to him. He had a wonderful personality and he was so handsome! You felt your crush develop on him over the days, but how could he love you back?

A week went by and you were getting tired of the guards nagging at you. Yes, you cleaned his wounds daily, almost hourly. Yes, you made sure he had fresh ointment. No, there wasn't any poison or infection. The King just needed to wake up!

You walked over to the window and let out a small huff. You watched as the sun set under the large trees and reflected lovely oranges and pinks across the sky.

"Lovely sunset, isn't it?" A weak, but strong, voice said behind you. You spun around and the piercing gaze met yours.

"Y-yes, Your Majesty," you stuttered, your heart pounding against your chest. You tugged at your skirts, self conscious in the presence of the King.
"Are you feeling alright? Do you need anything?"

"No." He smiled, making your heart flutter. But then his gaze turned serious. "How long was I..?"

"About a week, my lord," you answered truthfully. "You were brought back with a major gut wound; you must've been knocked out by blood loss. It always takes a while to recover-" You trailed off, aware that you were rambling. "But the kingdom is okay!" You assured.

"Are you the one who treated me?"

"Yes, My Lor-"

"Please, call me Thranduil. I just want to say thank you." He sat up and swung his feet over the bed. You squeaked in protest, which only made him smirk. Once again, your heart leaped but your eyebrows still were knitted in worry.

"My- Thranduil, I don't advise walking quite yet. Please rest!"

"You look beautiful when you worry." He walked up to you. "But even more so when you don't."

You felt the words catch in your mouth. The King just called you beautiful. Heat swept up your cheeks and you could feel it in your ears.

"As a thank you, meet me tomorrow at sunset in the gardens." He gave you one last smile, then exited the room to make an appearance, leaving you dumbfounded still by the window.

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry for slow update, this week has been Hell. I have the SBAC testing as well as MSP, then finals in my electives. Plus, I finally got a Netflix and lets say I've been marathoning Supernatural season at a time... And the final track meet is this week and my music recital is coming up and I still need to choose a song to play.

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