Healing- Faramir

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Requested by: Laura5SOSxo

Going to be a bit longer than usual... Oh well, it's not a bad thing.


Everything seemed to be moving so quickly.

Orcs charged at you from all angles, you struggled to keep your sword in motion. Also, you had to beware of the oliphaunts, swinging their tusks around every-which-way as their masters lead them towards your fellow riders of Rohan.

"Rally to me!" You heard King Théoden's voice call out. You guided your horse in his direction, keeping you head low so no one could know that you were not man. Females were forbidden to fight, yet you and your best friend, Eowyn, had come to war to help the ones you loved. "To me!" Théoden called again.

But then you heard the noise that everybody dreaded. The high pitched wail of a Nazgul. You looked over to see the large winged creature swoop down, riders urged their horses away from its jaws. It was heading into a collision course with the King!

There was nothing you could do. There was nothing Théoden could do.

The Nazgul landed and grabbed Théoden and his horse with its mouth. Swinging his head around and around before launching the King and his steed away, who landed with a sickening thud. You watched in horror, mouth agape. You could have sworn to hear Eowyn let out a hushed cry from behind you.

But Théoden was still alive, but his body was crushed under his horse's deadweight.

"Feast upon his flesh." The Witch King spoke, his eerie voice sparked fear and hatred within you. The beast advanced, but you would protect your king to your death. You stepped into the path of the Nazgul.

"I will kill you if you touch him."

"Do not come between a Nazgul and his prey." The Witch King growled.

The beast snarled at you and lunged, you sidestepped and turned, bringing your sword down onto his neck. You could feel the blade cut through its skin as you chopped once, twice, before the head fell off.

The Nazgul reared, nerves still working, but it fell over. It struggled to regain balance, but what could it do without a head?

The Witch King stood up and turned to you, if you could see his face there would be anger and disgust on it. He raised his sword and a flail, whose chain you could hear cracking as it was lifted.

The Black Captain let out a screech and through the flail down at your side. You let out a yell and dodged. You attacker swung it over your head, causing you to duck down.  Your heart beat heavily and you could not deny the fear that could be seen in your eyes.

You regained your postured and stepped to the side as the Witch King launched another attack on you. You ducked as the flail went over your head again and then felt it clink against your sword. The Black Captain swung it again, this time it slammed against your shield, shattering it, and colliding with your bone.

You let out a yell of agony and fell backwards, pressing your arm against your chest and still maintaining to hold your sword with the other.

You watched with wide eyes as his hand reached down and sealed itself around your throat. You gasped, trying to breathe.

"You fool, no man can kill me." He held you for a few seconds more. "Die, now." You heard a shout behind the Witch King as Eowyn plunged a dagger into his leg, causing the Black Captain to fall to his knees. You stood and took of your helmet, letting your (h/c) hair tumble down.

"I am no man." You let out a defiant yell and stuck your sword into the Witch King's helmet. Immediately your hand burned and you stumbled back, watching as the helmet shrived and crunched. Your attacker was soon no more, dead.

You let Eowyn rush forwards to King Théoden, her being like a daughter to him, him being a father to her.

You heard a grunt and looked back to see the heavily mutated orc you had almost killed earlier.

"Eowyn." You gasped, knowing you would be unable to fight, and she turned around with tears in her eyes and lifted her sword.

Your arm was throbbing and your other hand still burned. Your blade was too far and you struggled to grab Théoden's.

Then Aragorn came with the army of ghosts right as you and Eowyn were ready to fight the mutated orc coming towards you.

The battle lasted a little longer, you managed to slay a few more orcs before the ghosts cleared the rest. You finally passed out from exhaustion.


You woke up with your arm bandaged. Sighing, you pushed yourself up. Horrors of the battle replayed in your head and you shivered.

You had been informed that King Théoden had died in the battle and that Eomer would be fulfilling the role of King of Rohan. You had heard of more deaths of your friends, as a shieldmaiden you had known many people.

The next day, Aragorn took out the remaining soldiers to fight at Mordor. You fully new of Frodo's quest with the ring, you just wished you could join Aragorn as he gave the Eye a distraction. But, of course, you were injured.

You looked out from the window in the Houses of Healing. Sadness settling upon you, but then the man you knew to be Faramir approached you.

"The city has fallen silent. There is no warmth left in the sun. It grows so cold." You spoke your mind, you felt like you could trust him. You had seen him around in the Houses of Healing.

"It is the dampness of the first spring rain." You turned and met his gaze, he looked down upon you lovingly. "I do not believe this darkness will endure."

He reached down and intertwined his hand with your, sending sparks flying up your arm. You smiled and rested your head against his shoulder.

You and Faramir walked around the celebration of Aragorn's coronation, still holding hands.

"So, Y/n," he turned to you, "what was your role over in Rohan."

"I was a sheildmaiden, daughter of Théoden's sister. Did Aragorn still allow you to be the steward of Gondor?"

"Yes," Faramir smiled, then his face darkened. "Now that my father is gone."

"I am sorry." You nuzzled against him. "But we get to start anew now. You helped me see light after the battle, and now the shadow of Mordor is gone, it is only the damp of the first spring rain." You looked up at him and gave him an encouraging smile. You two turned to watch the petals of the King's Tree float above you, being pushed by a gentle breeze. Faramir sighed beside you then turned and your eyes met.

Ever so slowly, he put his hand against your cheek and dipped his head down to meet your lips.

"If we are starting over, I would like to start with you by my side."

"As you wish." And then you kissed him back.

I did some research for this one because I did not know what the Witch King's weapon was called! Did any of you know this? (Just wondering.) But it was called a flail, according to the website I was at that was based off of LOTR. So the flail is the chain-spikey-weapony thing. Stuff.

Anyways, the "As you wish" was a Princess Bride reference. Only some, sigh, would understand. Ehehe

By the way, I will be going to camp tomorrow so I won't be updating until maybe Saturday most likely Sunday.

So, requests are closed until I update again.

Love y'all.

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