Captured- Legolas

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Requested by: Eunice19971 (Sorry it took so long!)

Today is the first day I don't have homework to do... but I still gotta leave for something in an hour so this one is going to be short and (not so) sweet.

p.s. If you have a request, could you send it to me over message? It's the best way for me to keep track of them. Finding them through the comments is hard.

Triggers: Torture, mentions of rape.

They came at night.

It was not so they could catch everyone off guard- elves have little use for sleep- but that's just what orcs do. To get directly to the Woodland Realm would be suicide for them. Instead, they used guerrilla warfare- hit and run attacks.

They slaughtered children in their beds, killed those too weak to be taken as slaves, and raped women... Rape was such an unholy thing that it killed every elf it was committed against- their souls being too pure, too divine. Those who had the spirit to fight died honorably or were forced to retreat further into the forest.

The Woodland Realm would be safest. Most protected.

However, these attacks couldn't continue.

Your battalion was stationed at a small town, assumed to be one of the next to be attacked. Legolas' was the next town over. Each army stationed strategically.

The king was right, your town was next attacked. It was a battle so different from the rest it almost caught you off guard. Almost.

The orcs were savage. Their eyes were wild and their blades sharp. In the midst of all the fighting, they had set talans on fire. Mothers and fathers grabbed their children and ran. The rest took up arms- even the healers. Whatever weapon they had, they fought beside you. A hopeless battle.

Despite being on home ground, you were hopelessly outnumbered. It was worse than originally thought.

You were grabbed by the hair. A blade was pressed to your neck. You felt the blood dripping down your throat. Hands twisted your arms back painfully. You were knocked down onto your knees. Helpless...

"Retreat!" you shouted, hoping to spare the lives of your warriors.

"Hold your tongue, she-elf," a orc growled at you in the common tongue. His voice was rough. "Hold your tongue or I will cut it out."

You glared. You would not back down to fear. From the corner of your eye, you saw that your warriors had heard your command. They were quickly escorting the citizens back. The elves disappeared to the forest. The clanging of swords faded away.

You were left in the grasp of your attackers, surrounded by your dead comrades.


A messenger rode his horse quickly throughout Mirkwood. Delivering messages was crucial in this war.

"News from the front," he announced, riding up to the prince, Legolas. He handed down the small slip of parchment.

Legolas took it quietly, offering a nod of thanks. With inquisitive eyes, he read it once...

No... Twice, just to be sure.

Three times, even.

Y/n's battalion had fallen. She had been captured, or killed, along with many others.

"Orders, my Lord?"

"Bring this to my father," Legolas muttered, handing back the letter. "Also tell him to send my replacement. Immediately."

"Yes, my Lord." The messenger nodded and nudged his horse into a gallop back towards the Realm.


You were held in Dol Guldur. There was a ruin sky cell that they shoved you in. It had three walls, the fourth was broken. If you were to fall, jump, or slip... It would be over for you. The floors were slanted. You worried that if you passed out from blood loss, you would roll over in your sleep and...

The nights were agonizingly cold. Food was scarce. Rest did not come easy... The orcs came often with their malicious knives and hammers.

Your bones snapped under their beatings. Your skin split as their blades cut you to the bone. Then there was all the blood... It didn't gush in a constant flow, but in time with the thump of your heart. At first the blood came thick and strong, your screams doing nothing to stop it, but after moments of it seeping over your paling skin it became slower. Your pulse became weaker.

Then the orcs would leaving, taking their bloodstained knives with them. You fought for your consciousness.

The whole process was maddening. Maybe being put in the sky cell wasn't such a bad thing...

You rolled over so that your arm hung over the ledge. You watched the river of blood trickle past your elbows, to your fingertips, before falling to the stone pathways below. It was silent. A rare moment of peace.

You could see the cobweb covered trees. The dense treetops spreading over the land. Distant mountains. The moon and stars shining through the darkness. And so, at the moment, you promised you wouldn't loose your hope.

The sun rose. A peachy glow filled your cell. You could see the orcs retreating from the light.

A lone figure appeared from the treeline. You would recognized the green-clad elf with the bow any day. Legolas moved stealthily into Dol Guldur. He silently shot any orc in his path and moved quickly.

Soon enough, he stood under the sky cells.

A drop of your blood fell beside him. He looked up in horror- you guessed you may have looked dead, as well as the other prisoners, but you were too weak to acknowledge him.

He ran inside. This time, a little less discreet. You heard the commotion of blades and shouts. Footsteps racing through the halls. Then it was silent for a moment.

Keys jingled and heavy doors opened. Your fellow warriors exclaimed happily. You looked below as the other prisoners gathered in the courtyards. They reunited with each other weakly. Then your door opened.

"Y/n!" Legolas whispered. He sounded worried. He raced to you, pulling you gently from the edge. He swept your hair away from your face and glanced over your wounds. You could tell that he was also listening to your heartbeat and breathing. "Stay with me. I will take you home."

He hoisted you into his arms and brought you down to the courtyard. Legolas instructed the others to watch over you while he freed the rest. And then he was back. You were in his arms again.

"You came alone," you rasped, your words were raw and pained. "You could have been killed."

"It was less obvious," he said. But that wasn't the truth. You knew it. Legolas sighed. "I heard that you were captured... I wasn't thinking. Rescue attempts before haven't worked. I had to try. For you."

"Did your father know?"

"Not the details... Don't worry about such things. Rest, now."

You shook your head. "One more question: Why me?"

"You know why."

"I want to hear you say it," you murmured.

"I came because I didn't want to loose any more of my warriors. The Realm has suffered many losses. It is time to start winning. I can't do that without you... You give me strength. If you were killed... I am not sure what I would do." A long breath hissed through his teeth. "I have loved you for many years. I would never leave you."

You held onto him closely. "I love you too..."


With the return of the captured warriors, hope was restored throughout the Realm. Your healing process was long, but you were eventually able to rejoin Legolas' side and achieve victory for Mirkwood.

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