Price of Twins- Kili/Thorin

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Requested by: ThoraOakensheild

Your stupid brother.

Kili, your twin, was everything you weren't. He was outgoing and mischievous while you were calm and intelligent. You preferred books over swords, unlike your brother.

So, of course, on a dark, stormy night he decided to sneak out. Wandering the forest like he did on a daily basis, of course you warned him not to go out. He would only track mud and water into your little cottage that you shared with your mother, older brother, and your uncle.

"You are such a goody two shoes!" he had remarked. "Its just a walk. Meanwhile, while I'm gone you should learn to have fun like Fili and I do." And with that, he slipped out of the window and ran into the forest. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, what was the point? He was going to get in trouble just for fun? Save it for morning.

So, you went to your room and settled down for sleep. Kili would come back and Dis would yell at him. Then you could rub it in his face that you warned him, like every normal twin would.

You awoke with a strike of lightening that light up your room, you bolted upright with the clap of thunder that followed.

"Just a storm, y/n," you whispered to yourself, trying to calm your beating heart. You were scared easily, it was just an affect from your sensitivity. But then you heard dogs barking in the distance... No. They were wargs! Each bark came closer and closer and you heard the thundering of paws in the distance.

"Mama! Uncle Thorin!" you shouted, storming out of your room and into the hallway. "Wake up! There are orcs coming!"

Your uncle was the first one out of his room. While still in his night-attire, his sword and oaken-branch were at the ready. Dis scrambled out of her room holding her own sword and soon Fili was out and at Thorin's side.

"Y/N," Dis handed a weapon to you, despite your dislike of conflict, you still knew how to handle a blade. "Go wake the village, be careful." 

You nodded and ran out as your family ran to the edge of the woods to await the oncoming wargs. While you were running and shouting, you saw Kili sprint into the clearing after a flash of lightening. His hair plastered to his face and sheer terror was the only expression. There were five or six wargs and riders on his tail, more to come, and Thorin was the first to shove Kili aside and start fighting. More and more warriors arose from their beds and lanterns lit across the houses at your call.

Dwarves poured from their homes and went to meet the attackers, ready to die to defend their homes.

Once everybody was awake, you joined the battle. There were more wargs from what you saw chasing Kili, they needed every hand they could get. 

Before you knew it you had taken down at least three riders and two wargs, more to kill later.

The rain soaked you to the bone and set a chill over your skin. Your clothing would take a couple days to dry. More lightening struck, illuminating the scene and giving you another target. You had to admit it was pretty hard to see anything this late at night, it only made fighting more dangerous.

But, eventually, the wargs were driven off. You looked around to see that there were no dwarf casualties, but the wounds were very severe. You walked around to help escort some of the warriors to the infirmary, you could volunteer to help treat wounds in the morning. Then you started walking up to your cottage to check on your family.

"What did you think you would accomplish?" A voice sounded behind you. You turned around to see the outline of Thorin march up to you. He took your shoulder and pinned you against the wall. "How could you be so stupid?"

You opened your mouth to speak.

"No, I don't want to hear it," Thorin growled, shushing whatever attempt you had to talk. "You put the whole village in danger! We could have lost many valued lives out there! Every drop of blood out there is on you, all caused by your reckless stupidity!"

You choked back a sob, you hated it when people yelled at you. It only increased you insecurity. You want to say it wasn't your fault but you couldn't. If you could see you uncle's face, you were sure that he would have a look of pure rage, luckily it was too dark.

It was like you were frozen in the spot, not being able to do anything while hot flames surged towards you. You had never seen your uncle this mad.

"What if someone had died out there! We have lost enough dwarves to Smaug and fighting for Moria. You are such a disgrace to the family, go to your room. I'll talk with Dis to decide your punishment." Thorin released you and you ran off, tears mixing with the rain on your face. You stormed into the cottage and brushed past your mother who barely had time to ask you what was wrong. You saw Kili standing, drenched in the hallway.

"You jerk!" you whispered, more tears streaming down your face. "I got in trouble for your mistake! I warned you not to go, but did you listen to me?"


"Of course you didn't, no one ever does!" You let out a sob and ran into your room, slamming the door behind you and falling onto your bed. You buried your face into your pillow, wishing this was all some nightmare.

'...caused by your reckless stupidity... disgrace to the family...'

What had you done?

You heard Thorin enter the room and start talking to Dis. You sank further into the bed sheets, knowing that soon you would meet your doom. The village probably saw Thorin yelling at you. They probably thought you did it and hated you for this big mistake.

"Kili, I thought I told you to go to your room." Thorin's voice echoed down the hall, but you barely heard it, Thorin's words to you set off a panic attack. You were currently struggling to regain your breath.

"No, you didn't, Thorin."

"I talked to you not five minutes ago, don't play jokes on me. You've had enough fun for tonight."

"Thorin!" Dis gasped. "Y/n ran into her room, crying. I was just about to check on her-"

"Durin's Beard!" Thorin bolted upright. "I thought I was yelling at Kili, I must have yelled at her!" He walked down the halls and nervously approached your room. Hesitantly, he knocked.

"Y/n, it's me." You gasped and pulled your knees to your chest and tried to remain calm. You heard the door creak open and the heavy clunk of boots made their way towards you. You felt the bed sink under Thorin's weight and a hand was placed on your back. You flinched and pulled away.

"Thorin! I- I d-didn't do it!" you sobbed. "I know I couldn't stop Kili from leaving! I t-tried, b-but he didn't listen."

"I know, y/n. It was Kili, when I yelled at you I thought you were him. That's the price of being twins, I guess, and it was dark. I came here to say that I'm sorry," he whispered. You looked up at Thorin with bloodshot eyes and scooted closer to him. He put his hand on your back. "I am sorry, y/n, you must know that. In fact, if it wasn't for you many more dwarves would be dead right now, probably even that idiotic twin of yours," he chuckled. "You are so smart and brave, the field could use some more quick thinkers like you. You are definitely not a disgrace to the family, and Kili isn't either. That happened to slip out, I wasn't thinking about what I was saying. Now, he is still in trouble, big trouble, but you're fine. Okay? I'm sorry."

"I-it's okay," you whispered, leaning against your uncle for a moment. For a while it felt like you had a father again, you couldn't stay mad at him for long. Kili on the other hand- You sighed, though you were mad at him, he was going to get a lot of punishment from the village and your family. You decided to hold off your comeback for him, but at least you would still be able to say...

I told you so.

Sorry if it got bad, I'm writing this late at night...

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