Running Away- Thranduil

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You were sick and tired of being treated like an outcast. Being Thranduil's daughter, everbody was too afraid to strike up a conversation with you. Even Thranduil seemed to be ignoring you, too caught up in his duties to even pay attention to anything else important.

You knew your brother Legolas felt the same way, but he had been gone for about two years now. You wondered if he was still alive, the last notice you got from him was a letter explaining that he was in some sort of 'Fellowship' to destroy the Ring of Power.

Honestly, you could say you were jealous. You weren't even allowed out side of the castle walls, but that being said, it didn't stop you from sneaking out and practicing your archery skills. In fact, you were so good at archery, you always beat Legolas in every competition he challenged you in.

But, now that he was gone, all of his princely duties were now laid on you, on top of your work as a Princess. You just wanted to leave... Run as far as your feet would carry you and live your life the way you wanted to live it in the first place.

"Y/N!" Thranduil snapped. "Stop getting carried away in your daydreams and finish your work."

"But, Ada-" you started.

"Are you ignoring my orders, y/n?" he pressed, looking at you disapprovingly. You sighed and picked up your quill, signing your name and answering questions until your hand cramped. You were done with this work, you would much rather be a guard or a pesant than be a Princess.

Thranduil didn't even act like you were his daughter, to him, you were just another higher ranked elf to be kept prisoner in the castle; oblivious to the world around you.

A few more weeks past and you reached your limit, a plan of running away formed in your head.

Night fell in a hazy shade, you waited until you heard no movement behind your door. Then, grabbing your bow and cloak you swept out of the room. Setting your feet down so quietly, you couldn't even hear them.

As you approached the gates, you veered to the left. Climbing the walls then silently dropping down on the other side. You took a second to let your eyes adjust to the darkness of Mirkwood and admire the few stars you could see beyond the thick trees, then set off at a full sprint.

You jumped over tree roots and avoided the main path, your cloak billowed gracefully behind you as the wind whisted delightfully in your ears. You were out of the kingdom at last!

You spent your days eating wild berries and avoiding the patrols of guards that were sent looking for you. You practiced shooting and sword techniques as you made you way in no particular direction. You were happy, for once.

Your hope sank as an arrow whizzed by your ear. Orcs!

Taking out your bow to gracefully lept up into a tree, scanning your surrounding for the orc who had tried to shoot you. It turned out to be a rather large band of them, they approached your tree and pulled at your cloak. You yelled defiantly and shot some of them down before they managed to drag you from the tree.

You took all of your battle training and parried skillfully. Orc after orc coming at you, only to be slayed. You had to admit, they were pretty stupid picking fights they couldn't win. More arrows shot at you, a couple of them you barely missed. But more and more orcs came and drove you back towards the river, which only made you fight more violently; You couldn't swim, and even if you could, the current was too strong.

An arrow was shot that peirced your gut, you gasped a painful intake of breath. Each sword stroke you took only made it seem that the arrow was twisting and sliding within you, tearing more skin. Warm blood soon stained your shirt and the orcs gnashed their teeth victoriously. You remained strong, despite the fact that the arrow was poisoned, you could feel it burn through your veins. It was only you and the last orc now, and you were so close to the river...

You lashed out and cleanly chopped the head of the remaining orc, unfortunetly, he fell forward and his weight knocked you backwards into the fast flowing waters.

You cried out for help, only to get a mouthful of water. You coughed and spluttered, trying to keep your head above the water. The poison working within only seemed to fire more under the surface. The roar of the river filled your senses and rocks scraped against your feet. The current swept you into rocks with bonebreaking force, then finally pulled you under.

Your lungs were going to burst, you lost all sense of direction as you flipped and tumbled around. Water stung your nose and eyes, how long would you survive? You felt the current pick up before you were launched down a waterfall, your heart seemed to jump into your throat. You landed heavily with a splat, the arrow peircing your gut seemed to only push its way further into your stomach.

You had only just brushed up against the bank before you blanked out.

"Y/n? Y/N!" You opened your heavy eyes and vomited mouthfulls of water, a pain in your side reminded you of what happened but you realized that the arrow was pulled out and the wound was bandaged. "Thank goodness." The scenery focused and you saw your father kneeling beside you, relief reflecting in his eyes.

"Ada?" you wispered. It had been days since you left, you thought they would have given up trying to find you.

Thranduil sighed, "Why did you leave? I was so worried."

Worried, him?

"I convinced the guards not to give up looking for you, I was so afraid I lost you!"

How could he be afraid if he barely cared about you?

"I love you so much, y/n, but why did you leave?"

A jolt panged through you, you opened you mouth to speak and admit the truth before a gaurd spoke up beside Thranduil.

"Give her time to recover, let's go home." Gratitude swelled within you towards the guard, you were saved for at least anoher day. But, now you knew that your father did love you. You sighed and shakily stood up, you wer grateful to go home. You wished you never left.

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