Lovers- Kili

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Requested by: IngeborgSlot

To say it had been a long day had been an understatement. Everyone was tired of walking and were more than happy to settle down for the night.

It was a relief to finally stop, get a small fire set up, and settle in for the night. Unfortunately, you were selected to have the night watch while the rest of the Company was sleeping. Not like you minded that much, you liked it whenever you got time to yourself to think.

You watched as the stars started appearing and the leaves of the trees rustled with the wind. It smelled of damp grass and the promise of rain. You climbed up onto a tree leaned back on it, taking everything in. Every sight, scent, and sound.

But, you found your mind wandering to a specific dwarf who you had grown to love. Your best friend, Kili. You thought of how he would lean close to you and whisper a joke in your ear, how you both would double over laughing as the others looked at you with confused stares. You remembered the first day he was allowed to train with a sword, he came running right to you afterwards to pass on his knowledge. Even now, if you two had time, you would spar until one disarmed the other.

These were the memories that you cherished, everything had changed since you started the quest to reclaim Erebor. Whenever you were around the young prince, your heart rate would increase, you found yourself overheating, and you just wanted to talk to him and never stop...

"Y/n," there was a whisper coming from the base of the tree. You looked down to meet the gaze of Kili. You blushed, hoping he wouldn't see. He beckoned you down. Quickly, you slid from your branch and landed on the ground next to him.

"What is it?" you asked softly, careful not to wake the others.

"Follow me," he answered, grabbing your hand and pulling you forwards. As much as you enjoyed the sensation of sparks tingling up your arm, you couldn't help but mutter a protest since you were supposed to be on guard. There were few things that could get you off task, Kili was definitely one of them.

You two stumbled through the forest until he jerked to a halt, causing you to slam into him. You both murmured an apology at the same time, both of your faces reddened as he turned to look at you.

"What are we doing?" you asked. Kili gave you a nervous smile, and if it were possible, his cheeks reddened even more.

"I wanted to talk to you," he finally said. You raised an eyebrow in response. "I figured it should be now, while everyone else is still asleep."

"Okay," you said uncertainly, subconsciously taking a stand of your hair and tucking it behind your ear.

"This is kind of hard for me to say," he chuckled shakily, "but, uh, I can't help but think of you everyday. You know, how beautiful you are, how funny you are, and how talented you are. Whenever you are around, I feel happy. But, it's a type of happiness I can't really explain. All these years I've known you, I haven't really noticed it, but now that I look back it's always been there-"

Kili broke off and looked down at a pebble half buried in the dirt. You took a moment to process what he had said. Did he really love you?

He huffed a loud sigh and took a step backwards. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you that-"

"Kili, wait!" you shouted, catching his arm as he turned. He looked back at you with large, hopeful eyes. "I feel the same way."

He opened his mouth, noticeably looking for something to say. Your words must have come as a shock to him as much as his words came as a shock to you.

Your hand lingered on his arm, neither of you were moving. That is, until he lurched forwards and your lips collided. Your bodies pressed closer as your mouths worked against each other. You could feel the heat building between you as you tangled your fingers into his hair and he held you closer.

You didn't want to let him go, but you knew that you would have to return to your post. You took a step back and immediately felt the loss of contact, but Kili grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

You could hear his heart racing as you two walked back to the campsite and you couldn't help but smile as you and Kili sat back-to-back for the rest of the night.

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