Pregnancy- Frodo

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This story has been suggested by: whovian3135

The study was currently occupied by all of Bilbo's maps, broken quills, ink splatters, and your husband. Frodo had been working hard trying to finish the book which told the tale of the destruction of the One Ring.

Smiling as his hunched over and focused form, you gently rubbed your stomach which extended out in front of you. You and Frodo were expecting your first children. Children, twins to be exact.

The pregnancy hadn't be easy for you two, ecspecially you. It was hard for you to get a wink of sleep with the feet poking and prodding you, but you loved them all the same. Frodo was just busy, the trip still haunted him in and out of his dreams. There were times the both of you would just lay awake, talking while you were unable to fall asleep.

You were cooking dinner when Frodo came out of the study, he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms across your stomach, then bent his head so he could kiss your cheek. Your heart fluttered at his touch. He hummed a mindless tune that reminded you of Bilbo's songs and swayed to the beat.

"I have decided that we need to spend more time together." Frodo whispered, his breath gently heating your ear. You turned around some you were facing him. "I have spent so much time in my writing that I feel we hardly get any alone time together."

"Why don't we start now?" you asked. He leaned down and gave you a soft, but passionate kiss on the lips. Frodo wasn't considered a tall hobbit however you still had to stand on yout tip-toes to kiss him. He never tells you, but he thinks it's adorable. His hand was placed below your chin but his thumb traced your cheek bone.

"Mister Frodo?" A call drifted through the air, followed by a quick rap on the door. Frodo gave you a pleading look. It was Sam.

"Go." You laughed, it seemed that Sam came by more often now that they were back. You soon heard talking as Frodo filled in some details about the progress of his book and Sam gave him and update on Rosie and his family.

Sam was just getting ready to leave when a pang jolted from your stomach and shot through your veins, the pain made you gasp. I heard the door then close and Frodo jogged back to the kitchen.

"Y/n?" he questioned cautiously.

"I'm sure its nothing-" You groaned and placed a hand against the counter to steady yourself. Your husband looked uncertain. "I'm fine," you spoke again. Frodo only sat down at the table, pretending to do some work even though you knew he was keeping a protective eye on you.

There it was again-the jolt that made you gasp before- you and Frodo met eyes and a look of realization flickered in his eyes.

"It could be just a warning-" you whispered. Frodo didn't listen and quickly beat out the burning coals that were heating your dinner. He wrapped an arm behind your back and escorted you to the medic.

Once you got there you were taken to a room, there you laid down on a bed and nurses and doctors filed into the room. Frodo, looking nervous, sat next to you and held your hand.

It was confirmed that you were in labor. The pains got worse and worse over the hours and you found yourself very uncomfortable as your muscles reacted with each contraction. You though your back was tense and sore before...

Blood seemed to pump and roar through your ears. You looked over at Frodo who gave you a charming half-smile and leaned down to kiss your forehead.

"I'm scared," you admitted. To which he responded with, "There's nothing to be afraid of," while looking you in the eye. He continued to whisper sweet nothings while tracing invisible circles in your palm with his thumb. Just his presence was able to soothe you a bit.

One of the doctors came in to check on you then confirmed it was time to push.

You braced yourself and pushed long and hard, you head felt like it would explode before you stopped to catch your breath. Frodo gave you a slight squeeze on the hand for encouragement before you gathered your strength again. Each push sent a new wave of pain through your body, you let out a wail of pain and gripped your husband's hand harder.

The next push seemed to take out all the strength in your body, but it was worth it. A small cry pierced the air as a small child was handed to you.

"It's a ___!" The nurses cheered. Another spasm rocked your body, signalling baby #2 was ready. You gave your first born to Frodo, you held him/her tenderly in the crook of his arm.

Once again you pushed and pushed, it was nearly sunrise and you were so tired. The pain seemed to be everywhere, echoing from your legs to your head. You soon passed out.

"Y/n!" Frodo was gently rocking your shoulders, your first born was in the hands of a nurse. Frodo's brilliant blue eyes looked worried, as well as tired. "Thank goodness." He sighed softly. His posture slacked a little bit. "I thought I lost you."

"I'm okay." You groaned, your short 'nap' had revived some of your energy. You were ready to continue and bring your second child into the world. You pushed again.

"It's a ____!" Another scream of a newborn echoed though the room. The child was given to you, and the other was given back to Frodo. You two leaned happily together and smiled, Frodo gave you a kiss on the cheek as he stroked the baby's forehead. The medics left the room to give you and Frodo time to adjust to being new parents.

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