Maiar- Gandalf

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Requested by: SirRobObsessed

Cheers to three years on Wattpad! Thanks to y'all for your support!

There are many maiar on Middle Earth, believe or not. The balrogs being the most corrupted, Sauron being the most evil, and the wizards. The wizards chose to be elderly men to the eyes of the Middle Earth folk. You, however, preferred to appear like a young woman.

You found yourself involved in various missions and battles throughout the years. You fought your brethren alongside the elves and men, allied yourself with the dwarves, and eventually became close friends with Thorin and his family. So close, you would say, as to join their company.


Bilbo's house was very cozy: a roaring fire, plenty of food, lovely silverware. A little small, in your opinion, but perfect for hobbits. Maybe not several dwarves... Thorin wrote to you explaining the cause and told you to look for the door with the carved sigil. And here you found Bilbo Baggins the Burglar.

Each arriving dwarf greeted you kindly. You had their respect.

"At yer service, Y/n!" Fili and Kili chorused, walking past Biblo. They began wiping their feet on various items- much to the hobbit's disapproval.

Balin... Dwalin... Bifur... Bofur... Bombur... Oin... Gloin... Ori... Nori... Dori... Fili... Kili... Thorin...

And Gandalf.

When you saw your old friend, the faintest smile played at your lips. It seemed that your paths were always colliding. The winds causing you to bump into each other at the most random points.

"My Lady," he said politely. "Good evening."

Bilbo made a scoffing sound as he passed. You raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean good evening? Do you wish me a good evening, or mean that it is a good evening whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this evening; or that it is an evening to be good on?"

Gandalf chuckled, "All of them at once."


You smiled as you rode up with Thorin on your horse. You would occasionally glance over to Gandalf to see him glancing over at you. You have only been able to see his true, stellar form; bright and full of otherworldly beauty. Despite, his soul was very grey and his eyes too. You understood the meaning behind 'Gandalf the Grey.'

"You seem very happy," Thorin remarked, glancing up at you. His look of 'more so than usual' was evident.

You shrugged. "I am happy."


"It is quite a lovely day to-day."

"That, but we do not have a burglar and Smaug still resides in Erebor."

"Do we truly not have a burglar-?" You smiled, tilting your head back. A small figure was racing after the ponies crying, WAIT! I'VE SIGNED IT! "Let's see about that mountain now..."


Your stellar form was like the sunrise, full of color and hope for a new day. It was as tall as a grown willow. Too bright and powerful to be looked upon by impure eyes. Gandalf bowed his head approaching you. He was 2nd in his order, but you were the sole survivor of your regime. Your brother Sauron, the dusk, had been long gone. The Necromancy he devoted himself to was dark and led him down a path that you thought would never collide with yours again.

The feeling was strange, looking at the wizard shrouded in grey light; it stretched through your body; the overwhelming sense of being complete, the absolute, boundless sense of devotion you felt for him.

"Time has not changed you," Gandalf said.

You became sad then. The memories you shared were sad. You had parted on solemn terms. "Nor you."

He was back now.

You wanted to continue... with him. He shared the same thoughts. Gandalf's hand reaches for yours and they interlock as you kiss tentatively, passionately, and then tenderly. He holds you closely and you can feel the warmth and the affection.

"It has been too long," you sigh.


And so your good mornings and good evenings continued. Your mood bright even when the skies were full of rain.

It was your in your best interest to keep the Company from finding out, but they knew you too well. It wasn't you to be so cheery...

"Bet's on a guy," Kili snickered.

"Could be a girl!" Bofur responded.

"My bet is just that she is seeing someone."

Bombur tossed Kili a coin. Bifur nodded his agreement.

You snorted. "My bet is on Y/n has ears of a fox and can hear everything you are saying."

The dwarves quieted.

"Well, lassie..." Balin said slowly, "you've not been yourself."

Thorin sat down next to his nephews. You saw his head tilt in his otherwise unnoticeable agreement. The rest of the Company leaned in slightly.

"What?!" you exclaim. "Do I need an excuse to have such feelings."

"Yes," they chorused.

"Fine... I am seeing someone." Coins flew through the air, being caught by their respective owners. You rolled your eyes. "I am seeing Gandalf."


A heavy silence with mouths open and eyes wide.

"I'm glad you've found someone," Thorin said, not as shocked as the others.

"Yeah, but he's so..." One of the dwarves muttered in a high voice. Feet began shuffling.

Bilbo frowned. "He just seems..."

"We're Maiar, it's not what it looks like! His Counsel chose to appear as such to complete their duty. I have no duty here anymore so I'll appear as whatever is relevant. This form helps me blend in without attracting too much attention. Gandalf and I are almost the same age... Besides, love has no bounds. No matter what orientation you are..."

"How old are you?" asked Nori.

"You can't ask how old someone is!" snapped Dwalin, harshly.

Glóin declared, "I'm 158!"

Thorin cleared his throat and the side conversations died down. "They mean to say that they are happy for you too."

I think this is my last chapter. I have to start focusing on my schoolwork... Thanks for all of the support. I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to improve my writing, even if it is through fanfic.




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