Story Time- Bofur

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Requested by: lunawolf8074

The halls of Erebor were filled with twirling dresses and the drunken songs of dwarves as they laughed, danced, and sang. It seemed like every candle was lit and the gold that lined the walls and covered the floors glittered with their light.

Many dwarves asked you to dance only to be turned down. Dancing wasn't your thing, and you had your eyes on Bofur, who could charm anyone with his hat and songs. You smiled at the memory of the diner at Rivendell, where he boldly stood up and sang, disturbing the elves. You scanned the area for him, only to find him swarmed by dwarflings. They were circled around him, and looked like they were hanging to his every word.

Chuckling to yourself, you strode over to the edge of the circle and leaned against the rocky wall. It sounded like Bofur was retelling the story of how Erebor was claimed.

"And then," Bofur paused for effect, "I looked up to the frozen waterfall to see Azog, the evil pale orc, raise his sword arm to strike down Thorin, your King!" The children gasped and leaned forward a little further, anxiously waiting to hear what happened next. One round little dwarf fell forward onto his face, and pushed himself up with a blush on his face, no doubt that was Bombur's. "Then out of nowhere, y/n came out and lunged at Azog!" Bofur looked up and saw you, and you hastily turned your head towards the direction of the dancers.

"What happened next Bofur?" A dwarfling blubbered.

"Well, y/n and Azog battled, of course! The blows were aimed and deflected! Blood was drawn! But then-" The children looked like they were holding their breath. "Y/n plunged her sword straight through the heart of Azog!"

"She saved the King?" Dwalin's child asked in a hushed voice.

"Y/n saved King Thorin, yes."

"But she's a girl!" he argued. "Girl's can't be warriors." Your face flushed, you had heard that comment a lot, but yet, you didn't step in.

"Y/n is a girl, but that doesn't mean she is any worse than the rest of you," Bofur said sharply. "Girls have the power to be whatever they want, whether it's a blacksmith, miner, or warrior."

And at that, the children scattered and left to go find their parents, no doubt to retell the story they had just heard. That when you made your move, walking up to Bofur.

"That was, uh, a nice story. I really liked it when 'I plunged my sword into the heart of Azog,'" you chuckled as Bofur reddened.

"Well, that's what happened! You saved Fili and Kili as well as Thorin, you might have saved all of us at one point." Bofur expression turned serious. "I think it was good luck that we took you on the quest."

You could only stare into each others eyes, like it was only the two of you in the halls.

"Y/n, I might as well be crazy, but will you dance with me?"

"Of course."

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