Drunk Confessions- Elrond

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Requested by: CarrieWatson2

You found yourself and the rest of the Company staring at the beauty of Rivendell before you.

All the dwarves seemed impressed, except for Thorin. You knew he hated elves, you knew he hated you. You were half dunedain and half elf, immortal, and hated by Thorin for your bloodline.

Gandalf slowly walked up behind you and spoke.

"The Valley of Imladris. In the common tongue it is known by another name."

"Rivendell." Bilbo muttered.

"Here lies the last homely house east of the sea." Gandalf looked pleased with himself, that is, until Thorin marched up to him.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy!"

"You have no enemies here," you spat, "Thorin Oakensheild. The only ill will you wish to find in this valley is that which you bring yourself."

"You think the elves will give our quest their blessing?" He gave you an intense glare. "They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will." You snapped.

"But we have questions that need to be answered." Gandalf stepped between you. Then he gazed between you. "If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me."

And with that, Gandalf lead the Company down to the gates of Rivendell.

You gathered in a circular pavilion, you could hear Thorin muttering softly to Dwalin and shooting you looks. You scoffed and walked over to Bilbo, who seemed to be the only one actually enjoying himself.

Moments later and elf started walking down the stairs.

"Mithrandir!" He greeted.

"Ah, Lindir." To which the elf did the open palm signal. Thorin whispered some more to Dwalin. Lindir started talking to Gandalf in Elvish, many of the dwarves looked frustrated that they couldn't understand. You smirked and listened.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond."

"My Lord Elrond is not here."

You had always wanted to meet Elrond, you have heard of his powers, his gift of foresight.

"Not here, where is he?" But as if on cue, an elvish horn rang out in the distance. You saw horses run across the bridge and the dwarves pulled you into the middle of the circle of the ranks they formed. Slowly the horses stopped in two circles around the dwarves.

"Gandalf!" One of the elves greeted. You looked up and the world stopped.

"Lord Elrond."

You tuned out, so this was Lord Elrond! You looked down to conceal the blush forming against your cheeks.

"It is strange that orcs have come so close to our borders.  Something, or someone, has drawn them near."

"Ah, that may have been us." Gandalf gestured to the Company and you looked up and met the gaze of Elrond, who immediately looked away. He then looked to Thorin.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met."

"You have your grandfather's bearing, I knew Thror when he lived under the mountain."

"Indeed, but he made no mention of you." Thorin snarked, you just wanted to reach out and slap him. But you knew better. Thorin and Elrond had an intense stare down which resulted in Elrond offering the Company food.

"What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?" Gloin lifted his ax.

"No, Master Gloin, he is offering you food." Elrond smirked and you blushed a little more.

"Well, in that case, lead on."

You sat with the dwarves for dinner and laughed at their insults to 'green food.'

"Tell me, Y/n, how do yeh eat this stuff?"

"With a knife and fork." You laughed, chewing on some salad. You looked up to Elrond who was busy talking to Gandalf and Thorin about their swords. You couldn't deny the major crush building up on him. Elrond turned at met your gaze, you reddened and looked down.

"Here, Y/n. Have some ale." Bofur handed you a cup and you took it gratefully.

"I bet I could beat the elf in a drinking contest!" Gloin looked at you with an evil glint in his eye.

"Is that supposed to be a challenge?" You felt the competitive feelings bubbling up.

"Oh yer on!" The dwarves around you laughed and you downed your first cup. Bofur handed you a second.


Fourth. You felt a slight tingle in your fingers, it was starting to affect you.


Time skip brought to you by Loreal, Thranduil, because you are (not) worth it. Paid by King "Fabulous" Thranduil. (Just kidding, he doesn't pay for anything.)

"Tell me Y/n." Gloin slurred. "Has any lad caught your eye?"

"Are you flirting." You giggled, feeling a but dizzy.

"Why would I flirt," he belched, "with an elf?"

"No idea." You started tilting sideways, Kili propped you back up.

"Can yeh answer my question, lassie?" You heard the noise of the waterfalls pounding in your head. Everything was so loud! But in reality, the Company was silent. Elrond had heard the question and was now turning to hear your answer.

"I like Lord Elrond!" You giggled, then stopped, sobering immediately. If there was any noise to begin with, it silenced. You turned very red as the dwarves gawked at you. You excused yourself, standing from your seat, and ran off.

You stopped by a pillar in an abandoned hallway. A tear dripped down your cheek. Did you really say that? You heard footsteps coming from behind you and you wiped the tear away.

"My Lady Y/n." You flinched, recognizing the voice. You turned around and saw Elrond standing before you. His cheeks were dusted with pink and he kept shifting his weight.

"I- I'm sorry, Lord Elrond, I just-"

"Call me Elrond, please." He gave you a half-smile.

"I'm sorry, Elrond, I just-"

"You-" he sighed, "don't have to apologize. I like you too."

You stepped back, did he just seriously say that?

"Y/n, when I met your gaze at the gate, my heart stopped. I felt something-"

You cut him off and pressed your lips to his. It was a sweet, soft, lingering kiss. Elrond awkwardly moved his hands to your waist and you hung yours over his shoulders. When you broke apart, you rested your foreheads together.

"Y/n, whether it is now or after your quest, I want you to stay with me. Here, in Rivendell, for as long as we live."

"Of course."

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