Cut it out, will yeh?- Fili

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Requested by: lunawolf8074

You and your boyfriend, Fili, walked hand in hand across the halls of Erebor. You had been dating for a couple of years now...


"Yes Fili?"

"I have something I want to ask you."

"What is it?" You smiled.

"The past few years with you have been the best of my life," he started pushing open the door, "so I was wanting to ask you if I could-" He was stepping through the door until suddenly a barrel of water rained down on him and covered his head. You burst out giggling and you could hear the loud guffaws of Kili echoing down the halls.

"Kili! I'm going to kill you!"

"No you won't!" You heard him yell in a high pitched voice. Fili growled and went to chase down his brother.

You and Fili we walking hand in hand to the gateway of Erebor.

"So, when I was talking earlier-" Fili shifted nervously, "before Kili set up his prank, I was going to ask you-"


A bag of flour was launched and hit Fili in the chest. The powdery white substance erupted in the air, covering both you and Fili.

You heard loud chuckles and you could see the hunched over outline of Kili down the hall. The guards standing by you found it hard to suppress their giggling. You looked over to Fili who had flour sprinkled over his beard and he looked over at you. You both burst out laughing.

"I'm seriously going to kill Kili." Fili gasped.

"It's just a couple pranks." You giggled, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. But you couldn't get over the fact of how silly your boyfriend looked with flour coating.

"I'm going to wash off."

"That would be a good idea." You parted ways to clean up in your chambers.

With fresh clothes, you and Fili walked holding hands through the gardens of Erebor.


"Yes?" You knew what he was going to ask, and you suppressed a smile.

"I just wanted to let you know that I couldn't imagine being with anyone else but you. You are my One, and I love you. So, will you do be the honor-"

But he never finished. You two had tripped over a rope strung between two trees and tumbled down the hill. You landed on top of Fili and awkwardly pushed yourself up.

You could hear Kili' Teehehehe in the bushes somewhere.

"Cut it out, will yeh?"

Kili appeared from the bushes, humor glinting in his eyes.

"Cut what out?"

"Your pranks." Fili punched Kili on the shoulder in a playful way.

"I just set up random pranks, true, but they weren't meant for you." Kili gave you two an innocent look.

"I totally believe that." You faked a glare.

"I'll just let you two lovebirds be." Kili sing-songed after grabbing a rose and throwing petals into the air. He skipped off and you rolled your eyes.

"Little brothers are so annoying." Fili sighed. Then he turned back and looked at you. "But where was I?" He looked at you with a look of love and adoration.

"You were asking me something." You smiled.

"Yes, I was going to ask you if you could do the honor of courting me?" He got down on one knee and showing you a handful of beautifully crafted beads.

Your insides squealed.

"Yes!" Fili stood and grabbed your waist, pulling you into a kiss.

"If Kili plays another prank, so help me-" Fili muttered between kisses. You let out a chuckle.

"He will have it coming."

You two sat down and he started braiding the beads into your hair.

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