Fallen- Sam/Frodo

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You scrambled up Mount Doom, then you heard it. The angry hiss of the intake and outtake of breath, it was the sound of Gollum's breath. You looked up to see Gollum leap and tackle Frodo.

"Get off of ya slimy bastard!" Sam yelled and grappled with Gollum. This gave time to let Frodo run up to the door of the heart of the mountain. Sam was soon knocked down, you lurched forward, sword (knife actually) drawn and slashed at Gollum's back.

"Go Sam, you have to make sure Frodo destroys the ring," you said, Sam nodded and ran to pursue Frodo. Gollum soon turned on you and tried to bash your head with a rock. You battled fiercely with your sword, but Gollum jumped and knocked it out of your hand. It soon became a race to reach it first, which unfortunately you lost.

 He raised the sword and impaled it into your gut, then slowly twisted it out. You dropped onto your knees and Gollum hissed, throwing the blade aside. You were left there, trying to staunch the blood that heavily flowed from the gash.

You knew you were going to die, but it disappointed you most that Gollum won the little duel. Frodo and Sam could be dead, the ring could be in in enemy hands! It would all be your fault. 

Your hope of the ring being destroyed was renewed when the mountain gave a massive rumble and Frodo and Sam came running out. They saw you and quickly scooped you up and took you to high ground. You soon understood why, lava was quickly pouring all around you. Frodo looked utterly weak and exhausted, but he came over to try and help you with the wounds.

"You are going to be okay. Keep your eyes fixed on me," Sam urged, he too was trying to help.

"I am sorry, guys," you whimpered. "I'm already fading."

"Not an option," Frodo told you sternly. You felt blood bubble up your throat, you choked and felt the hot substance trickle down your chin and drip onto your neck. Frodo and Sam seemed to realize that their efforts could not save you.

"Do you remember the Shire?" Sam asked you and Frodo as they leaned backwards, each of them holding one of your hands.

"No," you answered. Your sight darkened, your breath coming in wheezes. The other hobbits seemed to notice that you didn't have much time left.

"I'm sorry," you apologized again.

"For what?" Sam asked.

"For letting Gollum get to you."

"Please," Frodo rasped, "don't say that, You are forgiven, you were such a great help to us on our journey." 

Sam started to cry again. Knowing that you had not let them down, you slowly started to let go. With one last sigh, you embraced the darkness with open arms.

Sorry if that was a crappy chapter. Still looking for more requests...

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