Jealousy- Kili

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As the Company moved along you felt strangely out of place. Of course Thorin didn't like you because you were half-elf and half-dwarf, and everyone knew he hated elves. The only one who seemed to accept you was Kili. 

Since you had been traveling together, it was him to always pick you up when you fell, it was him to apologize for the harsh words Thorin told you. He was so kind, gentle, and handsome... You wanted to tell him you liked him- liked him more as a friend. You would have, if you hadn't been captured by elves in Mirkwood.

You were imprisoned in the cell in front of Kili's, you were in your own out of respect of you being a woman. The elves debated whether or not they should imprison you, being part elf and all. But, nevertheless, you were with the dwarves. You watched as some guards would come down and ask questions to the other dwarves. You watched as one named Tauriel came down to talk to Kili.

Kili and Tauriel were talking for a while, which you thought was no problem. Then you saw Kili give her a look you knew you would never get. Kili was falling for the elf...

As you escaped you noticed that Tauriel was helping you, but you also noticed that she returned the same look the Kili had given her earlier! They were falling for each other. 

A spark of jealousy burned in your heart, but it was soon replaced by sadness. A tear dripped down past your nose but you wiped it away before anyone could see. You pushed away your thoughts for Kili and focused on staying in your barrel and not being hit by the arrows that flew past your ear.

The next few hours Kili seemed to be in a haze, he was probably thinking about Tauriel. You realized that your crush on Kili was fading, thanks to the elf, however your heart still ached. Kili had changed because of her, you didn't necessary like that change. It wasn't until Kili collapsed screaming that you saw that maybe he wasn't acting different because of her...

You anxiously sat next to Kili as the others laid him down on a table in Bard's house. Kili was writhing and Fili was trying to hold him down. The arrow that shot him in the leg had to be poisoned...

You needed to help Kili, his life depended on it. You were seated next to him, mixing some herbs you knew could help draw poison out of a wound. You were brought with the company to treat wounds, you had better do what you do best. 

Out of nowhere, Tauriel bounded up the stairs and pushed you aside, she then started treating Kili and the writhing stopped. He opened his eyes to see Tauriel there. You knew that any hope of you two being together was lost.

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