Pirates of the Carribean- Legolas

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"Hurry, y/n!" Legolas called as you ran to the forest and to the shore. Thranduil had sent you out when a patrol scouted up a mysterious ship coming.

You reached a top of a hill and looked down to the bay. There, an all black ship with torn sails let down an anchor. You looked onward, sending out your senses to view the crew. They were hideous, pirates... probably of man-kind. Thank goodness there weren't orcs. You watched as they sent a fleet to shore.

"Let's go see if they are friend or foe," Legolas muttered.

You two traveled quickly to the beach to watch as the men reached the beach.

"Send a warning shot," Legolas told you once most of them had disembarked. You drew your bow and fired, hitting the edge of the boat. Then he spoke in the common tongue. "We are warning you, now speak, friend or foe."

"Will?" The crew muttered, looking confused.

"I am right here." Another man got off the boat, he was rugged in a handsome way. His brown hair lay unbrushed at his shoulders. He looked like Legolas.... and sounded like Legolas. You stepped out from behind the tree and walked up to him. The pirates gawked at you and sized you up.

"Who are you?" You spoke to the Legolas-like pirate.

"My name is Will Turner. May I ask the same?"

"My name is y/n. Now answer our question, friend or foe?"


"Legolas!" you shouted, shortly after he stepped out, the crew members gasped as he and Will had a stare down. Legolas' blue eyes did not leave Will's brown ones.

"You look like me," Will spoke.

"You sound like me," Legolas responded quietly.

"Where are we?"

"You are in Middle Earth," Legolas answered, looking jumpy. He quickly turned back to you. "Y/n, we must go, I have a bad feeling about this."

"No! We are lost," Will argued. Legolas rolled his eye and stated speaking in sindarin, making sure no one else could understand.

"We do not know this man, it is strange that we carry resemblance but this may be a trick. Our eyes could be deceiving us. He is a pirate, we cannot trust him, or any of them."

"Oi! Speak in words we can all understand!" one of the pirates shouted. Legolas and Will then continued to stare nervousy at each other.

"Maybe we can take this time to understand why they are here, just as Thranduil told us to," you answered back.

"Please, help us." Will took your shoulder. Legolas drew an arrow.

"Touch her again and this arrow will be in the middle of your eyes," Legolas threatened, then crew drew their swords. Will Turner stepped back, one of his hands resting on the hilt of his blade as a precaution.

"Lower your weapons, all of you," you stood up. "You need to tell us who you are, what you are, and where you came from. Otherwise we will have no choice but to kill you. Fighting is not a good option. Being who we are, we are skilled with the bow and sword; though few in number we are strong. And merciful. You may speak now."

"We are pirates of the Black Pearl," Will said as everyone lowered their weapons. "We are from... Earth, and we sail the oceans. All that we ask is that you help us escape this land. But I am curious too, what, exactly, are you?"

"Legolas and I are elves of the Woodland Realm."

"Y/n-" Legolas started before you cut him off.

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