Sickness- Kili

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There was a terrible sickness going around. It was claiming the lives of many dwarves, anyone who caught it was sent to the corner of the mountain as nobody wanted it spread. You were one of the people caring for the plagued dwarves, it was a shock when your closest friend, Kili was brought in.

Kili had a high fever, he laid there sweating and unconscious. The moaning of dwarves around you were heart wrenching, but seeing Kili there...

"Why can't I see him!" Fili yelled at the door.

"We can't risk you getting sick, we can't risk all the fighters getting sick and leaving Erebor undefended. Also, we don't want this plague to over-power the mountain and spread across Middle Earth!" You shoved Fili away. "I'm sorry Fili, you will get to see him later."

"When he is dead-"

"-Or when his fever breaks and the sickness leaves him, but we are doing everything we can, I promise."

"But it's not enough," Fili muttered and walked away.

Day by day Kili's condition worsened, he didn't have the strength the cry out like the other dwarves were. He didn't eat, and could barely stay awake. At night you would grasp his hand, crying.

"Please Kili, wake up," you said, stroking his hot cheek. He was deathly pale and very thin. Every now and then he would mutter something.

"Y/n-" he whispered in his sleep.

"I'm here," you murmured, not wanting to wake the others.

"Y/n!" he cried out, a tear dripped down his cheek. "Y/n, no don't leave me, I love you!" Kili started shaking, and you sat there shocked. Suddenly, his eyes flickered open. They searched the room before settling on you.

"You were having a bad dream," you informed.

"Indeed, they took you away from me and I couldn't do anything because of this sickness," he rasped, then blushed. "Was I sleep talking? Did I say that, I-"

"Yes," you told him.

"Well, it's true. You, and Fili, are the only things I am holding onto to get through this." Then his voice dropped into a whisper. "I love you, y/n."

"I do too," you replied, Kili then smiled and color flushed back into his cheeks.

The next few weeks, Kili made more of an effort to drink all of his medicine, and eat as much as you gave him. His strength slowly returned and he was able to stay awake longer. Then, his fever broke and his health was boosted. Days later he was released from the hospital.

"Thanks, y/n. I never could have beaten it without you," Kili said, making you blush. "As an offer of thanks, do you want to go out with me?"

"I would love to," you responded, Kili took your hand and kissed it before walking off with Fili.

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