Duo (Part 2)- Legolas

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You woke up inside, to your confusion. Last you remembered, you were wounded in battle. Legolas had been tending to your wound.

You grunted as you slipped your covers off. Your torso ached with each movement, but at least you were alive. You stood up and walked outside, seeing Legolas in an argument with Thranduil. They noticed you shortly after you appeared.

"Y/n," the king spoke coldly, raising his voice so it was loud enough for you to hear. Legolas turned and made eye contact with you. "Come here." You swallowed your growing fear and rushed to the King's side. "I hope you have an explanation for what you did."

"I'll repeat that I'll take full responsibility-" Legolas huffed, only to be quieted with a look from his father.

"No, it was my fault," you spoke cautiously. You sent a sparing glance over to the prince. "I felt we were waiting for orcs to attack, waiting for their numbers to grow large... So, I left to fight. I wanted to defend this kingdom."

Legolas tried speaking again, only to be cut off by Thranduil. The king's cold eyes were fixed on you. It brought an uncomfortable feeling.

"You know higher ranked elves were supposed to stay safe in the kingdom! And you involved my son!" Thranduil yelled.

"I will accept any punishment you give me, Your Grace," you said, bowing your head.

He dismissed your words with a wave of his hand. Dejectedly, the king sighed. "I can't afford to lose more elves because of the war, so  I won't banish you. Consider yourself lucky. However, both of your actions may not go unpunished. Both of you will be on kingdom maintenance with the stewards for a month."

Thankful your punishment wasn't more severe, you and Legolas swept the halls, knelt in the gardens and tended to the weeds, and checked the wine barrels for dwarves.

You and the prince grew closer as the days passed. Some nights you would wander the halls, holding hands. It seemed that since you were stabbed on your hunting trip, a bond had grown between you two.

One night Legolas took you to the gardens. The moon illuminated the scenery with a silver glow and a gentle summer's breeze stirred the grass. You sat on a bench, fingers intertwined and your head on his shoulder. It was a perfect cloudless night; the stars glittered brightly.

"It's beautiful out here," you said.

He smiled. "It's nothing compared to you."

You felt an explosion within you, a burst of love. Your face flushed. You lock eyes, and you notice that he looks at you with nothing but admiration and affection. Slowly, he lifted his hand and cupped your cheek; he gently pulled you forward so that you could feel his breath on your lips; his lips brushed against yours as if he were asking permission to kiss you; then he closed the gap between your bodies. With a smile, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to enjoy the moment and savor his lingering touch.

When the two of you pulled away, wide-eyed and breathless, you didn't have any words. The moon was almost set. Legolas escorted you back to your chambers.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n," he smiled.

"See you then, Legolas." He leaned down and gave you a chaste kiss before stepping away. "Namarie."

Namarie means goodnight/ farewell.

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