New light- Dwalin

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Requested by: ThoraOakenshield -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Character in general (Dwalin) Requested by: trinityLOTR

It had been days ago when Dwalin left to fight in the battle of Moria. You had no idea if he was even alive! The hours went by and you found yourself lonely waiting for his return, if he ever returned. You found yourself worrying and waiting up at night, pacing, against the midwives wishes.

You were pregnant with Dwalin's child. When he was around, he was way overprotective of you. You weren't even aloud to walk down the stairs alone, you were shocked that he even let you go to the bathroom by yourself. At the time, you wished you had time to yourself. Now, you wanted him home more than ever.

But he was gone. You were gazing out the window, midwife at your side.

"You should get some rest, Lady Y/n." She spoke to you. You shook your head and rubbed your hand over the top of your stomach. "Your baby is due any day now."

"And my husband is possibly dead fighting for a mountain that is swarmed with vile orcs." You sighed, silently cursed yourself for sounding rude. "I'm sorry, but rest will not come easy anyway."

The midwife nodded and exited your room. You moved your hand to trace the patterns of the windowsill. You wanted your husband back, then you would be able to relax.

You eventually closed your eyes and subconsciously nodded off.

You awoke and immediately gazed around the room. Your husband was still not home.

"At least I have you." You whispered, tracing patterns across your stomach and smiling a little at the thought of your child. You felt his/her movements often, you couldn't wait to meet your child in person and finally find out the gender.

You slowly stood up and stretched when you felt a release of pressure in your stomach and water stream down your legs. You stood there for a second before your muscles reacted and a wave of pain spread throughout your body. You gasped and called for the midwife, who came running into the room.

"It's time." You sent a deer-in-a-horse-path look to the midwife. She nodded and escorted you to the bed.

"I'm just going to get some towels and Dis," she gave you a reassuring look, "I'll be right back."

Dis, Thorin's sister, was your best friend and you trusted her more than your own parents.

You shifted around in the bed, trying to get comfortable, but you found your efforts unsuccessful and each movement made you grit your teeth in pain. You hadn't expected labor to be this painful, and you had just started contractions less than five minutes ago.

The midwife came back with some towels and Dis, who was also holding some materials. She smiled over at you.

You groaned as another contraction started.

"You're doing fine," Dis assured. You felt for her, knowing that she already had two kids, Fili and Kili. "This is the worse part, but it will all be over soon."

But you found that there was no worse part. The pain was coming in quicker intervals and the midwife alerted you that it would be time to push soon. Another contraction passed when you took a look out of the window just in time to hear a horn blaring and shapes of soldiers appear far in the horizon.

Dis and the midwife both turned and smiled, they both had someone they were waiting for. But then they turned back to you, looks turning serious.

"Time to push, Y/n." You nodded and prepared yourself, keeping an eye on the oncoming dwarves through the window.

It was your third push and you could hear the doors opening and loud clomping footsteps of dwarves as they met their loved ones. But you noticed it was quiet, well quieter than it should be, many warriors must've fallen. The thought caused a pang in your heart.

"Y/n!" The midwife snapped you out of your trance. "You're doing good, down give up now." You sucked in a breath and pushed one last time. Sweat was already beaded on your forehead and gentle tears streamed down your face from the pain.

Finally, it was over. You saw the midwife wrap something in a blanket, then she handed it to you.

"It's a girl!" Dis cheered. You peered down at your child, she was beautiful. Only something- someone- was missing. You blinked back tears and cradled your girl closer just as the door burst open, who revealed someone you dearly missed.

Dwalin's face was covered in dirt and blood, some from orcs and some from minor wounds. His mohawk and beard were tangled. But that being said... You probably looked worse than he did. But he looked said...

"Y/n!" Dwalin brightened when he saw you, then his gaze dropped to the baby in your arms. He walked slowly, almost cautiously, over to you and sat down by your side. Gently reaching out and stroking his fingers across your child's head. "Oh, Y/n, I'm so sorry I wasn't here."

At this point, Dis and the midwife excused themselves to find their loved ones.

"You couldn't help it." You sighed. "But you're here now, and we have a beautiful daughter."

"It's a girl?!" A wide smile spread across Dwalin's face and he kissed your forehead. You held out your baby to Dwalin and he took her in his arms, holding her as if she were made of glass.

"She looks just like you, Y/n, gorgeous."

You smiled and looked from your child to Dwalin again, you could've have sworn you saw tears in his eyes. You rested your head against Dwalin's shoulder and looked back at your daughter.

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