Meetings- Fili

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Requested by: AllysonBrooks


You walked had in hand with Fili down to his mother's cottage. You had never met Dis before and to be honest, you were nervous. You had reclaimed Erebor alongside the Company, you and Fili were already dating, but now you were courting. The beads in your hair were beautiful and all of your friends loved them and accepted Fili. Now you hoped Dis would accept you.

Finally, you reached the small home. Fili raised his hand to knock but the door burst open.

"Fili!"  A dwarf you guessed to be his mother wrapped him into a bear hug. "You're back! Where's Kili?"

"Don't worry, he's coming in a couple of days."

"Did you reclaim our home?" Dis must've not noticed you.

"Yes, we did. But-"

"You've brought a girl home!" Dis turned to you and smiled. "Hello, I'm Dis."

"I'm y/n-"

"So this is y/n!" Dis cheered and wrapped you into a hug. Fili looked at you awkwardly but you just smiled, Dis reminded you of your mother before she passed away, shortly after your father died in the battle of Moria. Dis pulled away and studied you. "Durin's Beard you are so beautiful! And your hair-" Her eyes widened and flickered between you and Fili. "You're courting!" She seemed to squeal.

Fili shifted his weight and put his arm around you. Dis rambled on for a while and then brought you inside, sitting down at a table.

"Y/n, were you apart of the Company?"

"Yes I was." You replied modestly.

"She actually saved my life." Fili spoke up. "And Thorin's."

"You did?" You nodded. "Thank you so much, I don't know what I would've have done without one of my son's and my brother! By saving Fili you probably saved Kili too!" She reached across the table and grabbed your hand. "You are going to be a valuable addition to this family, I'm so glad I got to meet you!"

After a while, you and Fili left back to Erebor, giving Dis the notice that it was clear for dwarves to come back whenever.

"Do you think she liked me?" You asked Fili.

"No, I think she loved you."


Your relationship with Dis grew as time went on. Of course she was over the moon when she found out you were with Fili's child.

She pretty much beside you during the whole pregnancy; Giving you tips and keeping the kingdom of Erebor, who wanted to know the royal child insiders, off your trail.

One night, you happened to wake up for no apparent reason. Or maybe there was a reason... Your child was very active. So, careful not to wake Fili, you got up and paced around the room. You sighed, you were very restless.

Then your water broke.

"Fili!" You yelled, clutching your stomach as the agony of the first contraction kicked in. Fili jumped up and came to your aid right away, picking you up and placing you on the bed. He then raced off to find the midwives.

Because of royal security measurements, nobody but Fili was allowed to be in the room. To be honest, you wished Dis were there. She always had a soothing presence around her.

But, you knew after the many hours of labor she would be able to meet her grandchild.

You were lying, exhausted, on the bed with your new baby girl in your arms. Your hair was sticky with sweat but you didn't care, it was worth it. There was a timid knock at the door an Fili, looking a little less exhausted than you were, went to open the door.

And there was Dis.

She quietly walked in, knowing that your girl was asleep and came up to your side.

"Oh, Y/n. She looks just like you, and you Fili." She then got up to give her son a hug. You noticed how much more calm see was than the day she met you, probably because there was a baby around. "She's just so precious!"

"Would you like to hold her?" You chuckled, despite your tiredness. You didn't want to part with your bundle, but you trusted Dis.

Like the mother she once was, Dis picked up your little dwarfling with such tenderness. Your girl opened her eyes, they looked exactly like Fili's. But she started to whimper and Dis gave her back to you.

"She just needed her mother's warmth for this one." She smiled. "Y/n, I'm so proud of you. I couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-law."

Fili sat beside you and squeezed your shoulders.

"But, knowing every new mom, you're probably dying for some sleep."

You stifled a yawn and Dis chuckled.

"I'll leave you to sleep." She gave you a wave and walked out. Was that pride in her step?

"Here," You handed your daughter to Fili. "She's right, I am exhausted."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

But you were already asleep.

Never write late in the night... I have many more requests and I'm going to try and finish them before I go to France... (In 10 days)

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