Jealousy- Kili (Part 2)

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Part Two has been requested by: TheyDontKnowAboutUs5

You avoided Kili as much as you could, even when Smaug came you didn't except his help to escort you out of the the house. On the boat while you were trying to escape, you sat farthest from him. He broke you heart, he left you for some stuck-up, pretty elvish girl.


You realized that your love life was crushed, no elf or dwarf would love you. If you were lucky, maybe someone of man-kind would fall for you, but their lifespan was too short, even if a dwarf loved you, you would outlive them with your elven blood. Outlive them by far. You sighed then, what would your life become to be?

Somehow Bard had killed Smaug, the dwarves were readying a boat to the mountain to find Thorin and the rest of the Company. You looked over to make sure everyone was there and saw Kili and Tauriel talking. 

You scoffed, of course you were still jealous, but now you were angry. He was a dwarf, she was an elf! Yet, your parents had the same type of love story... You saw then that Kili gave her a polished stone that he talked to nobody about. There was the harsh pang of hurt in your chest, you had talked to him about that stone but he turned on you and snapped at you. 

He probably never did have feelings for you. Luckily the elf, Legolas, stepped forward and spoke something to Tauriel. She turned away and rode off with him. Kili sighed and turned to the boat. You shifted so Fili sat between you two.

"Y/N!" You heard Kili yell.

"What do you want?" you snapped. You were walking around the ruins of Erebor, you wanted to be alone but somehow Kili found you.

"I feel that something is wrong, you seem to be avoiding me." Kili did look a bit worried.

"Have I now? Well, I'm sorry, but shouldn't you be helping Thorin find the Arkenstone?" You tried to add defiance into your tone. What ever you did. There was venom that was practically dripping off your tongue. Kili looked shocked and stepped back.

"I-I am sorry." He turned away and you watched his cloak billow out behind him while he was walking away. You felt guilty for being rude to him, but you needed space to think. It wasn't until the battle that you wished you hadn't pushed him away...

The rock barrier of Erebor tumbled down and you charged out, sword in hand, with the Company. You slayed the orcs and goblins that crossed your path in a quick, easy blow. The battle raged on and the dwarves stopped charging to fight. 

You were soon faced by a pack of orcs. You beheaded the closest one to you and slit the gut to the one to your left. You barely saw a goblin in the distance draw an arrow and release it. 

The arrow spun through the air and impaled your gut. You gasped but surged on, one arrow wouldn't be able to slay you. The next arrow, however, flew and landed under your heart. You stumbled backwards and an orc cleaver slashed down your back. You were left useless, you couldn't turn and fight. This was the end for you. You fell backwards, already fading into darkness.

You faintly saw Kili jump in front of you battle off the orcs and goblins. You wanted to shout out "I am sorry, Kili!" but you seemed to have lost the ability to speak. You harshly hit the ground. You heard a sharp cry that you could only assume to be yours.

"Y/n," the dwarf prince turned to you.

Your mouth opened and you tried to say something... anything. But you were only able to mouth 'I love you' with no sound. His face twisted with pain as he knelt down beside you, his eyes became bloodshot with tears.

By the time gave his response, you were already gone.

Tragic ending, sorry about that. Please request any ideas and I will try my best to make your stories happen!

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