Proud of us- Legolas

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I was inspired to do this, don't hate. Yes, it is based off and episode in a popular show. Contains spoilers, so if you know the show, just send me a message and don't comment on the story. Might ruin it for other people who haven't seen the episode or don't watch the show...

Trigger Warning: Torture and (possible) spoiler

Your hands and legs were bounded tightly to a cold, metal chair. Sneering faces of orcs surrounded as they circled you like wild dogs.

"Tell me, maggot," the leader spoke in a raspy voice. "Where is Legolas? The Prince of Mirkwood? I'm sure you have heard of him, tell me where he is and this won't get any messier."

You glared at him, your lips sealed shut. Your messy hair, damp with blood, sticking to your swollen face.

"I see, still won't talk then." The filthy orc raised his hand and slapped you across the face, his peers snickered. He then grabbed a knife and dragged it across your stomach, ripping your already-tattered clothing. You bit your tongue, suppressing the urge to scream, as the pain seared through your body. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you in pain.

You and Legolas were both elves of the Woodland Realm, sent out on a mission to slaughter free- roaming orcs, and you two were dating. You knew that he was the future king or Mirkwood and though you were not of royalty, you loved him all the same. You traveled across Middle Earth and killing whatever orc crossed your path, but you were ambushed one night. You fought bravely, Legolas was off finding shelter for the night, you knew who they were after. Eventually, they overpowered you. Knocking you unconscious and dragged you into their lair. They have been torturing you for days, desperate to know the location of your lover, but you wouldn't give in. Stay strong for Legolas...

The orc continued slicing up your body, the others eventually got bored and left. You smirked despite yourself, at least you weren't giving them a show.

"Do you really think torturing me is going to make a difference?" You finally spoke. "Dragging that knife against my skin over and over is going to make me spill. Your pets are gone, I'm barely a show. So, I'm not entertaining, nor spilling, what's the point? I didn't know orcs were this stupid these days."

The orc glared at you with a look that could kill.

"Be quite, filth." He snarled.

"I thought you wanted me to talk. But, that can be arranged." You smiled sweetly, trying not to wince because of your bruised face. The orc let out a howl of anger and threw salt all over your body. You groaned and writhed against your bonds. Now it was the orc's turn to smile, seeing you finally showed pain. He punched you again, and again, and again over the face. Then moved down to send a blow to your wounded gut and the force knocked the wind out of you.

You coughed, desperate to regain air flow, but blood trickled from your lips. You began yanking at your ropes, hoping to make this a fair fight.

Agony erupted from your stomach and you were forced to relax against the blood-stained chair. The orc drilled a knife into your shoulder then dragged another down your legs. You couldn't stand it any more, you let out a blood curling scream that echoed down the halls.

"That's more like it." Your torturer smiled. He sliced your bonds as some orcs brought the same device they used to torture Gollum. You rolled off the chair with whatever strength you had left and grabbed a knife, shakily getting onto your feet and holding the blade out in front of you. The orc only shared a crooked smile with his followers.

He stepped forward and lunged into battle with you. You blocked each stroke as it fell, but your strength waned with each roll of agony coming from your many wounds.

The knife was knocked out of your hands and you were kicked into a wall. Your head pounded as you reached your fallen blade, but the orc got to you first. His own knife in one hand, his other raised to hit you.

But the echo of swords rang up the halls and Legolas burst into your room and slayed the orcs that wheeled in the torture device. You two made eye contact right as the leader drove a knife into your chest. You gasped, feeling the cold metal inside you increasing your pain.

"No!" Legolas shouted, rushing forward and drawing an arrow, shooting the last orc between his eyes. Your senses dulled and you exhaled, your head hitting the wall behind you.

There was so much pain. So much blood lost...

"Y/n!" Your lover rushed forward and pressed his hand over your wound, wincing as he saw your others. He hoisted you up and you two stumbled out of the orc lair.

With each step, your feet got heavier and your breath stuck in your throat.

"It's okay, it's not that bad, Y/n." You faintly heard Legolas speaking. "I can get you patched up then we can leave for Mirkwood, my father wouldn't mind if we came back early. I know there is a village nearby, we could get some horses and get you patched up there, or-"

"Legoals!" You breathed out. "Stop, I just want to say something."

"Anything, y/n." He said, eyebrows furrowed with worry. You thought of how far you had come with your mission and the years before you had spent together.

"I- I'm proud of us." You reached forward and stroked a tear off of Legolas' cheek. You gave him a half smile as your pain faded and a sense of serenity overwhelmed you. Blackness clouded your vision and you collapsed, dead, into Legolas' arms.

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