Coma- Legolas

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I'm back my fellow LOTR and TH lovers! (I need a name for y'all...)

Requested by: Crow_Xx

As Sauron was defeated once and for all, a new line of enemies rose up.

Witches... Necromancers... What ever you wanted to call them. The wizards you knew, like Gandalf, had long since gone back to Valinor but new type had arrived to Middle Earth.

These witches traveled through the Mirkwood territory, burning as they went. As they neared the Woodland Realm, you knew it was time to stand up to them.

Legolas, who was now king, ordered the army to go and 'meet' these few magical people. Being the just ruler he was, he ordered you to make them an offer first: stop the madness and be rewarded or to continue destroying the land and be killed.

That didn't go very well...


You lead the armies forward with Legolas, you being the captain of the Royal Guard. Then you saw the witches in the distance.

"Speak now!" you shouted. "Friend, or foe?"

The women approached, dressed in dark clothes that hid their faces. One of them let down her hood to reveal a hideous, pale face. Oily black hair tumbled down to her waist and her yellow eyes glinted in the gloom of the forest.

"Why should I respond to the likes of you?" she responded.

"I have an offer," you spoke again.

The witch sneered, "Please, enlighten me." You looked over to Legolas and he nodded, moving as little as possible.

"You can either keep destroying the land with innocent families, who have children, and be punished." You tilted your head up to show dominance. "Or, you can stop and be rewarded. You would be looked up to by Middle Earth as goddesses, nobody would bother you except to bring gifts. You can help the land prosper and have allies, friends, whatever you desire. A portion of this forest is uninhabited; the king would be willing to let you have your own land here."

You looked over to Legolas for approval, he gave you a reassuring smile.

The witch looked deep in thought, looking over to the members of her coven. They all wore the same, emotionless expression. You shifted your weight and rested a hand over the hilt of your sword and motioned to the archers to prepare to fire, if needed.

What happened next, you should have predicted. The women let out a single shout that rang through the forest and burst of white light came from the one who spoke to you.  The light hit you in the chest and all you could do was let out a single gasp and try to keep your footing.

Legolas ordered the army to advance and rushed over to you.

"I'm fine," you muttered. "I'm okay." You drew your sword and lunged forwards, racing after a couple of the witches, who used spells to duplicate themselves.

During the battle, you felt yourself getting faint. The world started spinning. Right as you and the army of Mirkwood reached victory, you collapsed.


You didn't know how much time went by, but you were caught in an eternal abyss of darkness. You could hear voices but struggled to understand what they said. You could see faces coming through your vision but they disappeared leaving you in the dark again. As your consciousness faded in and out, you couldn't tell what was a dream or what was real.

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