Duo- Legolas

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-.-Edited, mostly-.-

You walked across the forest, making no sound. The only noises were that of nature: the gentle winds shifting through the trees, the rustle of leaves over the earthy floor, and the songs of the wildlife.

You were going out against Thranduil's wishes-- he had ordered his citizens to stay safe within the kingdom. Yet, orcs still roamed free, finding evil masters to work for after Sauron was defeated. You couldn't stand by and watch them destroy the land you were loyal to. You had to leave.

You heard footsteps behind you. You spun around and nocked an arrow-- it pointed at the prince, Legolas.

"I'm sorry, my Lord," you apologized, lowering your bow and putting the arrow back to your quiver.

He stepped forward. "You shouldn't be out here," Legolas spoke slowly and seriously.

"Neither should you," you replied boldly. Legolas smiled slightly at that, something shifted in his eyes. "There will be orcs," you said. "Not just here but everywhere. Your father, the king, is having us sit and let them grow strong. How long will it be until they ally with someone else? How long will it be until they raid our villages? They are already across the border, my Lord."

You sighed. You were not ashamed of speaking the truth so freely but it still made you anxious-- and being in the presence of the prince was certainly not helping. You wrung your hands together and continued, "Someone has to stop them."

"Then I won't let you go alone."

For a couple days you drifted tirelessly through the dense forest, slaying every orc that dared to cross your path. Once you neared the edge of the Mirkwood borders, you set up camp with Legolas and waited for nightfall.

You gazed at the stars as they started appearing and listened to your surroundings. You were taking the first watch.

You couldn't help but glance back at Legolas. He was resting against a tree. Though elves do not require sleep, his eyes were closed; it looked as if he were dreaming. Even with his rigid stance, he looked so peaceful. You had gotten to know the young prince better on your journey; he was confident, kind, and brave. Legolas was easy to talk to and made your heart flutter when he smiled.

You turned away and sighed, looking back to the forest.

Around midday, you and the prince found a rather big band of orcs nearing the border. They were clumsy in their efforts to get out of direct sunlight. Quickly you whipped out your bow and fired an arrow at the unsuspecting ranks. The orcs screamed and looked for their attacker, catching sight of you and the prince.

You fought side by side with Legolas. As the orcs came closer, you drew your sword and charged into battle, parrying with any orc that got too close. But more seemed to come; Uruk-hai started appearing.

The sounds of clashing steel were trapped within the trees. You fought more fiercely, but your strength waned as you realized you were surrounded, and Legolas was nowhere nearby. Orcs charged at you and you had to jump up to get away-- springing off the top of their heads and grabbing onto a low hanging branch of a nearby tree. Once you steadied yourself, you started firing arrows at the gathering attackers beneath you.

You did a quick check to see if Legolas was okay, but your moment of distraction cost you: an Uruk-Hai grabbed your leg and pulled you down from the tree. He pinned you to the ground and stabbed you in the gut. You gasped as the sword was twisted out.

"No," you whispered, feeling the blood seep through your clothing. You kicked the Uruk-Hai away and jumped up to your feet, lashing out with your sword. Several orcs around you were beheaded, their bodies shuddered to the ground.

After a while, the battle was won. You looked up to see that Legolas was unharmed-- he looked as if not even a speck of dust could touch him-- but you felt the pain in your gut again. It wasn't hard to remember your wound. Now that the shock and adrenaline had passed, the pain was overwhelming.

Legolas' POV:

Y/n sank to her knees, blood-stained hands pressed over her gut. It wasn't orc blood but her own. I ran to her and she fell back into my arms.

"Look at me, Y/n." I tried to get her to focus. She was drowsy and fading. She needed medical attention immediately.

When I came back, Y/n was a ghostly white. The first task would be to clean the wound to prevent infection. I had less time than I thought. The second task would be to stop the bleeding. Y/n had bandages in her bag, luckily.

Y/n was unconscious but breathing fine. She looked so calm as the color started returning to her cheeks. I still needed to get her back to the Realm.

As I picked her up, it was now that I was finally able to see her. She was so beautiful and talented. Y/n shifted in my arms, pressing herself closer to my chest... My heart skipped a beat; I knew I couldn't deny my feelings for her any longer. Though we never talked formally, she was always there. I put her aside so much when we were younger and I tried not to think about her during my journey with the Fellowship.

I just hoped she felt the same way. I hoped I would be able to tell her how I felt.

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