Confession- Thorin

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You opened the creaking door to the Prancing Pony, earlier you had recieved an urgent message from Thorin requesting you there. As the door opened the sounds and smells hit you like a sword. They smelled of vomit, pipe weed, and ale. Men were laughing and singing. Why did Thorin want you here?

You soon saw Thorin on the far side of the room, he was dressed like he had been traveling.

"Y/N," he greeted you roughly.

"Thorin," you curtly replied. "Why have you called me here?'

"I am going on a quest, I want to reclaim Erebor." You gasped at his ambition. "But," he fidgeted, "there is something I need to tell you before I leave."

"No!" you raised your voice a little bit, careful not to draw attention to yourselves. "Erebor is a suicide mission, you know of the dangers that Smaug can cause, and no one has managed to get into the mountain anyways! How many people will be there? How many are you taking?"

"Fourteen, at the least."

"FOURTEEN?!" you scoffed, astounded. "Fourteen in no way is a fighting force for a dragon."

"I did not call you here to argue with me, my mind is made. I will leave tomorrow."

"Then why did you call me here, then?" You were slightly annoyed at him for interupting your arguement. Thorin only cast a glance at you that made your heart flutter. He looked so sad, yet so determinded.

"I called you here because I realized that it is a suicide mission, I couldn't go without telling you the one thing that I whave always wanted to tell you."

"Which is?" you pressed, suddenly anxious to hear his confession.

"I have, and always have, liked you more than a friend. I have realized that it was you that kept me going all this time after Erebor was taken." He finished then took a deep breath. You could only sit there, shocked, as Thorin slowly got up and left.

"Thorin, wait!" You ran outside and grabbed his shoulder. You lowered your voice and gazed into his deep eyes. "I like you too." Thorin's eyes filled will relief and he bent down and gave you a long, sweet kiss.

When you broke apart his eyes were once again filled with sadness.

"I must go, I am already late."

"I am sorry for holding you up."

"Don't be, I will say that I lost my way, twice." He gave a chuckle, and he slowly turned away. Walking towards the direction of the Shire.

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